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For people that skipped the A/N..

Please jump to chapter 4 then come back to chapter 7 after reading chapter 6, because due to some reason, my chapter 7 lags and keeps teleporting in between chapter 3 and 4.

Thank you.


Everyday, Leo wakes up with a huge headache and go to the training ground and during practices, he would just stare at Neymar whenever he got the chance, wanting to just run up to him and hug him until he tells him everything. But he couldn't, he was so scared that Neymar would feel disgusted, he didn't know why.

While Neymar wakes up everyday, hoping that everything was just a dream. And on the training grounds, Neymar just avoided Leo. When practicing, Luca would purposely trip Neymar just to make him filled with bruise. 

Dani, Gerard and Luis kept telling Neymar to stand for himself but they got the same respond every time. Which was a hum.

Whenever they both got too stressed by this mess, Neymar would talk to Dani or Rafinha while Leo complains to Gerard or either Luis. It hurts the four of them seeing whenever they talk about the other, their eyes would overflow with tears. 

Sometimes later, the team started to notice the distance between them. Everyone was worried and kept wanting to question Neymar since he was the one interacting with more people in the team, but was pushed off by Gerard and Luis which he was really thankful for. 

But of course, Luca was pleased by this. And was always clinging onto Leo like he was his lifeline. Which, very much annoyed Leo but he was just too blinded by his own love for Leo.

This routine for them went on for weeks. 3 weeks to be exact.

Until one day, Luis couldn't stand it anymore. 

"I know this is their problem but they can't just be like these forever! Even our plays are off right now!" Luis shouted out loud at Dani and Gerard. Rafinha standing in the far back, also listening.

The four often has meeting like these to talked about what Neymar and Leo complained about. Even though Leo and Neymar specifically said 'Don't tell the others I told you that.' to them four.

"He's right, Dani. I know you told us it's their own problem and we should JUST listen to them vent, but I'm sure your heart ache for them too whenever they cry over each other." Gerard asked, tone quiet yet filled with lots of concern. 

Dani sighed, despite them complaining almost every single day. They were actually right.

They can't go on like this. They always cried because of each other and their team play had been off lately. And even worse, Neymar doesn't have much appetite these few weeks, which made him a lot thinner. And of course it concerned Leo, which Gerard told them because of Leo's non stop asking.

Dani sighed again and looked at them both. "Then what should we do? I certainly don't have a idea to help them."

Gerard shrugged, "I don't have one either."

"I might have a idea.." Rafinha said smirking slyly.

The other eyes widen in curiosity and also scared at the same time.

Rafinha quickly said his idea to the confused three.

"I don't think it will work." Gerard commented.

"If we don't try, we'll never know bro. Besides, why do you think it won't work?" Dani asked.

"He's been having trust issue lately. I don't think telling him to meet in the medic room would success." he explained.

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