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"Leo! Leo please wait!" Gerard was shouting for him but he didn't stop.

"Por favor!" he stopped dead in his track, looking at the view in front. The sky held light blue looking cloud.

After training, Leo took his time and trained more, trying to take his mind off.. you know. He was returning to the locker room when he over heard Gerard talking to Rafinha and Andres.

Talking about the plan that fail. The plan to make them.. together.

Now Leo knows everything, knows Andres purposely made Neymar injured, knows about Luca threatening Neymar, knows about.. Neymar liking, no, loving him.

He heard much, in fact, too much about Neymar loving him. And now he wants, no, no. He needs to feel the love. He needs it desperately, and by hearing this much, he knows Neymar wants it too.

He hopes his deductions was right.

"I-I.. know you may not want to talk to me right now.. But please, you have to go to Neymar's house. Please." Gerard spoke up, bringing him back to reality from his train of thoughts.

"I was planning to right now until you stopped me. What? You want to come?" Leo asked shooting him a glare he didn't intend to do, but it wasn't his fault his mood was so bad right now.

He just wanted to make things right.

"No! No! You can go. Just... Please message me after you know his alright. And if things is worse than I thought! Call me right away-"

Leo took his wrist and dragged him to his car, making the older but more childish man shut in his rambling.

"I don't think I should go, you guys should-"

"Shut up would you? You can stay in car if you don't wanna interrupt!" Leo words came out before he could even comprehend.

A blush started across his face, which was extremely obvious because of the way Gerard chuckled quietly.

Leo started the car and drove into the small road.

He had always loved the road to Neymar's house whenever its sunset, because he will always pass by the beautiful beach that was nearby. He could see the sun setting on the beach.

"Would your eyes stay on the road instead of the beach?" the sound of the man ruined the moment of his day dreaming.

But he was right, he should really pay attention to the road.

"I know you've dreamt of taking him here, you could later, if you guys you know. Don't spend too long up in his bedroom." Gerard gave Leo a wink and he simply just rolled his eyes.

Why does it feels like he cares more about what will happen between us two than his own friend?

Leo thought to himself, but deep down he was just joking to himself. He knows Gerard was just trying to ease the tension and make some hope for him that things will work out between him and Ney. Also of course caring about his friend.

Not long after they've reached the driveway of Ney's house.

"I'll just stay here, you can go. Just don't turn the car off or I'll literally get suffocated in here." Gerard looked at Leo innocently and Leo couldn't help but let out a half heartedly chuckle.

Leo quickly left the car key inside the car with Gerard Pique in it and ran towards the porch and knocked on the door.

Leo knew he wasn't going receive a opening door and wasn't surprised when he actually didn't get one.

Leo tried twisted the knob and not to his surprise, it was unlocked.

Must have been too unfocused to lock his door.

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