Chapter 12

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Lyanna stands in front of her mirror with only a towel wrapped around her body. The steam from her bath still warming the air around her.

She couldn't sleep last night, only thinking about her fight with Aemond. Their conversation repeated in her head, making her doubt how she acted. She woke up with a guilty conscience this morning, unsure how she should handle it.

She looks into her eyes, reflecting in the mirror. Her grey eyes always look like a raging storm, and it couldn't sum up her feelings better. She needs to make things right with him.

Rummaging through her clothing chest, she picks out her blackest dress. The colour of the house Targaryen. Quickly, she finds a needle and green thread. She might not be the best at stitching, but her mother taught her enough. As soon as she can, she stitches a green dragon onto the sleeve of her dress. Only a tiny dragon; a bigger one will take too much time.

She can already hear the men gathering outside. All are excited to show off their skills, like stags wanting to show who has the most prominent and most vigorous horns. Lyanna looks out her window and rolls her eyes. Everyone is busy laughing, warming up, and enjoying themselves.
Men are all so idiotic, Lyanna thinks, only driven by their egoistic gains.

"I hate this," she mumbles and finishes getting ready. They won't start without her, and if she doesn't show, they will come looking for her.

Giving herself one last look in the mirror, she leaves the room.
"Lady Lyanna!" the men shout as she makes her appearance. She gives a fake smile, "Gentlemen," she greets, knowing there is nothing gentle about them.

Her brother approaches her, "You look like a woman again."
She punches him on the arm, "Don't start with me. I am still not done with you."
He laughs, "I am aware." he looks at the small building next to the training yard, "Aemond is in there putting on his armour. If you are looking for him."

Lyanna nods, "Thank you."
Ignoring everyone around her, she walks towards the building used as a second armoury, where all the training gear is held. Her hand hovers, unsure if she should knock or turn around and leave. She never had to apologize for something she said before, and she still felt she had the right to express her feelings. But some things could've been left unsaid.

Lyanna knocks before slowly opening the door. Aemond is seated on a wooden crate, busy tying the laces of his boots.
"It is strange to see you in Stark armour," she says and looks at his light armour. It only gives enough protection for a duel like today.
He looks at her, "And you in the Targaryen colours." he looks away again, "Unless you are preparing for a funeral. Can only guess who you wish it would be."
"Probably my own after I fall on my sword or die of embarrassment," she mumbles, but Aemond heard her.

"What do you want, Lyanna?" he asks coldly.
Lyanna feels like cowering away under his gaze.
She sighs, "Aemond, I am sorry about what I said yesterday."
He stands up, "You don't need to apologize. I expected a reaction like that. I'm Just glad you won't be rooting for me today."
She closes the distance between them, "Look, I came to wish you good luck. Not to start another fight." She takes the dagger from his belt, cutting a long piece of material from the sleeve of her dress—the section with the green dragon on it.

She ties it onto his armour, "It's not much of a favour, but I hope it will do."
He smiles, "So now you wish for me to win?"
She shrugs, "You might as well."
They laugh, and Aemond picks up his sword, walking towards the door.

"Aemond," she says, and he turns back around, "This might not be much..." she slowly walks towards him, placing her hand on his chest. She feels more nervous right now than she ever felt before. She had thought about doing this since she woke up, hoping it would lift his spirits and make him feel like he was fighting for something worth it.

"But a small token of good luck and support for you."
She pulls him towards her, pressing her lips against his, giving him a short but meaningful kiss. The sensation of their lips meeting feels electrical and leaves her lips tingling for more.

"Please don't lose," she whispers against his mouth, looking up slowly.
He pulls her back for another fleeting kiss, "I won't."
His hand lingered on her hip, but he eventually left out the door, leaving her to try and gain control of her emotions.

She smiles and touches her mouth. It did not go at all as she had planned, but it was better than expected. She still doesn't know where she and Aemond stand with their relationship, but if they are to get married, she might as well try and love him like a wife should love her husband.

Lyanna quickly joins everyone outside.
"Lady Lyanna, I hope you are ready to marry me. After I am done beating Prince Aemond, you will see that I am the only one who deserves to be with you," says Jason Lanister.
Lyanna smiles, "Thank you. And good luck to you." She turns away, "You will need it." she says, hardly audible.

Aemond stands in the fighting yard, waiting for his first opponent. Since he is the one who challenges everyone to fight him for her hand, he gets to start the duelling.
The fighting starts, and Lyanna watches in awe as he strikes down each opponent, from the Boltons to the Mormonts and the Tullys. They all get defeated in record time.

Lord Jason Lannister steps in. Lyanna can see that Aemond is getting tired, which makes her nervous.
Jason eyes the green dragon and then looks at Lyanna's ripped sleeve.
He smiles, "I see the Lady already gave her favour to you, my Prince." he lifts his sword, "But she will look better on my arm."
Aemond's mouth turns up in a sneer, "We'll see about that."

Aemond twirls his sword around in his hand before attacking. Sparks fly as their swords make contact.
Lyanna loves a good swordfight but finds it very hard to watch this one. Lyanna knows that Jason will play dirty to get what he wants.

As Jason dodges Aemond's sword, he pulls a shorter blade from his belt and cuts into Aemond's upper leg.
"No," Lyanna say and looks away.
Seeing his blood awakens Aemond's darker side, and he attacks without mercy. Eventually, he disarms Jason.

"I yield!" Jason shouts. Aemond's sword stops inches from Jason's face.
The look Aemond gives Jason makes Lyanna feel like she should fear for her life.
"Looks like we have a winner!" her brother shouted with loud cheers from the crowd. Some of the men go to Aemond, patting him on the shoulder. The group start to disperse, and Lyanna can see Aemond walking with difficulty.

"Call Maester Arwen," she tells her brother and makes her way to Aemond.
"Let me help you," she says and puts her arms around him, ushering him towards the closest bench.
"It is just a flesh wound."
She parts the ripped clothing to look at the wound, "Flesh wounds can still hurt."

Maester Arwen joins them and quickly fixes up the wound.
"Do not overwork your leg. Take it slow, and it will heal faster." says the Maester and takes his leave.
"You won," Lyanna says, smiling at him.
"I told you I would."

She sits beside him, feeling his presence beside her burn like a furnace.
"Should we..." he starts.
Lyanna shakes her head and interrupts him, "Let's not talk about the kiss just yet."
He nods, "I only want to know if you meant it."
She looks at him, feeling her heart skip a beat at the way he is watching her.
"I will let you figure that one out on your own."

She lay her head against his shoulder, "I guess we will be staying at Winterfell for a while. Until your leg is better."
He nods, "It will be a nice change from the stench of King's Landing." he moves his leg, "It looks like you are going to have to help me do almost everything."
"Oh, is that so?" she says, lifting her eyebrows.

He nods and purses his lips, "From helping me walk, feeding me..." he looks at her, "Help me get dressed."
Lyanna burst out laughing, "Aemond Targaryen! There is absolutely nothing wrong with your hands." She stands up, "And if you need help getting dressed, I can arrange with one of the stable boys."

He laughs, "You are no fun, Lyanna."
She holds her hand towards him, "Come with me, my Future Husband. I need to show you something."
Aemond takes her hand, allowing her to lead him wherever she wants them to go.

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