Chapter 37

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The situation at the Wall has become more dire in the two days that followed the news about more giants being spotted.

Lyanna spends more time with her dire wolves, training them and getting them to toughen up, knowing they will help fight the war at the Wall. All her bannermen left yesterday, reassuring her they would be ready for her when she needed them.

Just as much as she pushes her wolves to improve, she also pushes herself to get better. She shoots more arrows until her back and shoulders hurt from pulling the bowstring so many times. Her Master at Arms has never been so busy as he is now, with her fighting the whole day. He even asked some guards to assist him in training her, knowing that for her to fight only one opponent at a time is too easy for her. They need to be a group.

The training help her to get her mind off everything, especially Aemond, whom she has not heard anything from since he was here the other night. Maybe the idea of her expecting their child scared him off.

A dragon flies over the castle just as she gets her stance ready for another fight. The small dragon lands just outside the walls. Lyanna drops her sword, placing it in the sheath. She is wearing her leathers today, the tight-fitting outfit showing off her tiny bump. Here at Winterfell, she is not ashamed that everyone knows she is expecting. No one here gives a damn if she is married yet or not.

Jace comes walking in through the gates. Lyanna smiles and walks to him.
He frowns at her outfit, "Are you supposed to train in your condition?"
She sighs, "You sound like Maester Arwen. I feel better when I am physically busy. Sitting around makes it worse."
He nods, "You know your body's limits."
"I assume you are here to discuss our wedding?"

"Yes," he says, "My mother thought it best to get married in the week before you start showing more."
Lyanna lifts her chin, "She must be thrilled to hear I am expecting the child of the man who killed her son."
Jace looks away, "She is unhappy, but she knows you cared for him before all this happened."

Lyanna nods, "Good, let's go to the Great Hall and discuss everything. How is the war going?"
"Good, Daemon is on his way to Harrenhal. He thinks it is the best strategy to besiege the Riverlands. It gives the Greens less ground to fight on."
Lyanna shuddered at the thought. Knowing the fight between Aemond and Daemon will happen soon.
Tonight, she will make contact with her Greenseer teacher. He needs to help her strengthen her mind. It is necessary for the war in the South.

Just as they enter the castle, another dragon flies over Winterfell, followed by two more.
"What?" she asks, stepping back into the courtyard. She can see that one dragon is Vhagar but doesn't recognise the other two.
"Shit," she turns to Jace, "It's Aemond."
A muscle jump in his jaw, "I see so."

Aemond walks through the gates, followed by his brother and sister. Lyanna feels like jumping at the sight of them, feeling so excited to see them again.
Aemond sees Jace standing next to her, and he pulls out his sword.
Jace does the same, and they meet each other halfway.

"Are you here to steal her away from me?" Aemond asks loudly, Lyanna running to place herself between them.
"You don't deserve her." Jace answers.
"And you think I will allow you to raise my child as your own?" Aemond is seething, and if possible, heat would rise from him like steam.

"That is enough!" she yells, "You are all guests in my home! The first one to draw blood will be killed on the spot."
"You can try, My Heart. But you won't be able to kill me." Aemond says, not lowering his sword.
Lyanna pushes down on his sword, a low growl escaping her lips as she sends out a ripple of energy.
Shadow comes running, baring his teeth at Aemond, standing beside Lyanna.

"Try it, I dare you." she says, "Jace is my guest, and you will not touch him."
He looks at her as he lowers his sword, "You have become stronger, I see."
She nods, "I have. And if you don't comply with my rules, you will find out how strong."

Lyanna turns her gaze to Aegon and Helaena. She runs to them, hugging Helaena first before turning to Aegon.
"I am not bowing to you." she says and pulls him into a hug, "I hope you are at least the king I hoped you would be."
He smiles, "I am following all your advice, putting the people first. But it is hard to do with a war keeping me busy."

"Let us all go inside. Jace and I were discussing our wedding."
Aemond laughs, "You are truly testing my ability not to kill him."
"Did you forget that I told you about our betrothal?"
He grabs her, pulling her against him, "The only one suited to marry you is me." he turns to Jace, "Climb on your dragon and fly back to Dragonstone. Tell your mother that I forced Lady Lyanna to get married to me, and you couldn't stop it."

"I will not let you do that." Jace steps closer.
Lyanna closes her eyes, seeing flashes of how angry Rhaenyra will be at the news, but her anger will not be towards Lyanna.
"Jace, please." she turns to him, "I think we both know the outcome of this."
"Lyanna, let me at least try and fight for your honour."

Lyanna pulls away from Aemond and turns towards Jace, "I won't be able to stop him when he gets mad, Jace. Please, you are my friend. I don't want you to get hurt."
Jace stares at her and then Aemond before nodding.
"My mother will have his head for this, Lyanna. I promise you."

No, she thinks, Daemon will.
Jace goes to his dragon and flies off. She then turns to Aemond.
"Why do you always have to be so rude?" she put her hands on her hips, "Why are you all here?"
"For your wedding." Aegon answers.
Helaena steps forward, handing a small bag to her.
Lyanna frowns and opens it. She pulls out the white fabric. She starts crying.
"My wedding dress," she sobs, "I wish I could stop crying about everything."

"We thought it only fitting to be here for it. You do need to have guests." Aegon says and smiles.
"Mother also wanted to come, but she is a bit afraid to climb on a dragon. So she stayed behind." Helaena say, looking pleased.
Aemond takes her hand, "She sends her love."

She looks at Aemond, forgetting about all the drama surrounding the war, forgetting her house's oath to the rightful heir to the throne.

She smiles, "Let us get ready for a wedding then," she says and starts walking into the castle, the three following her, "Before the Blacks show up to stop it."
"Jace's dragon is not that fast." Aegon says, "It will take him a while before he gets home."

Lyanna starts shouting out orders. The kitchen staff began preparing food. Maester Arwen agrees to be the one to marry them, and all the servants start getting the Great Hall ready for a feast. A feast that only those who live inside the walls of Winterfell will get to enjoy.

Lyanna, the voice echoes in her head, and she stops. She can feel a slight pain in her neck, but not as much as she expected their following conversation would be like.
I am here, he says.
"Where?" she asks out loud. The other three stared at her in surprise.
She turns around and sees the older man standing beside her direwolf, Shadow, lying at his feet.

"I did not think I would ever see you again," Lyanna says, walking towards him. As she comes close, he places two fingers against her temple, sending visions into her head of the future.
Lyanna groans and grabs his wrist.
He lets go, patting Shadow again.
"Do you now understand why I am here?" he asks, his dark eyes digging into her soul.

She nods and bows, "I do." she looks up, "How much time do we have to do it?"
He smiles, "It must happen now, Lyanna. Before the Wall falls."
She turned around, facing the three Targaryens, "There is something we must do first before the wedding." she ball her fists to stop them from shaking, "Please do not be alarmed at what you hear and see coming from the Godswood."

"And do not intervene. Unless you want Lyanna to die." her teacher says, walking towards the Godswood. It needs to happen at the weirwood tree.
Aemond approaches her, "Is that him?"
She nods, "The Greenseer, yes."
"What does he want from you?"

Lyanna takes Aemond's hand to help calm her nerves, "He is dying and needs to transfer his abilities to someone, and he thinks me strong enough to handle it without dying."
"No," he says, "Rather not take the chance."
"I have to," she says, "I need to be as strong as possible to stop both wars. You have not seen what will happen, what is still coming. Westeros will never be the same again. House Targaryen will fall and never be as it was."

Aegon looks worried, "I am not sure what is going on."
"Aemond will explain to you while I am gone."
She leaves them behind, taking Shadow with her to the Godswood. Ready for what is to come.

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