Chpt 14: part of my soul

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Or merry Christmas


Merkel POV

I had recently seen my nephew, now a grown man with the family magic curse....I thought it died with me. Now my maker is killing him well the catalyst part...I'm ripped from my thoughts as no one but Elijah Mikelson came storming into the room, hearts torn out and witch chanting spells, all vampires either fought or ran so I freed eric and his friends and his progeny...quite the women. "Elijah we have to get calliope out of here...I'll help my nephew.." I yell as I run to the altar, Gustav was leaning against it, his dying body with eyes rolled back, I looked at calliope conflicted...she's beautiful like a dark angel but she's just killed my nephew....

Klaus POV

Gustav had left a message in Kol coffin after we all awoke in our old New Orleans home,

'I apologize for the inconvenience of knocking you all out, it wasn't that I betrayed you as I assume Klaus thinks and I imagine he was has ranted about it by now.

Now getting to the business the rouge Luna clan has gotten a hold of the supernatural catalyst, you may even know legends of it as many do, some even formed religions over it.
A descendant of the Bennett witches removed it from the host of the catalyst back in the early 1800's.
To which the host who I've learnt is my uncles maker, her name is calliope....she remains in the prison under high gate cemetery.
Rouge Luna clan have been trying to find a new host which resulted in multiple vampires and some wolves dying...the last ingredient for the potion is witch blood, I'll offer mine but I'll need kol to possess my body with either himself or Klaus so my bodies intact....part of me believes calliope will fight to get some other witch blood and give mine back, kol may have to help get it back too.

Calliope is kind or so I've heard, she won't want to see my uncle sad and in pain loosing me, I'm sure he stayed away from our family like I did obviously different reasons

Please wake in time to do this for me and help my uncle and friends despite how klaus's paranoid rage may feel about helping them.

You could use calliope to your benefit

- Gustav

"Paranoid rage?..." I mutter under my breath, I do like the idea of have the catalyst on my side,
Kol has been hastily preparing to do the spell, it'd take to long to do it on himself so I suppose it'll have to be me...

~mean while in rouge Luna clan area~

Elijah POV

(Start music now)

I do hope my brothers will get the spell done in time to help gustav, I know he would never betray us after all we did pay his family for us to take him in and then he found the rouge Luna clan...a relatively new group only a couple decades old with only three actually powerful witches, a Bennett witch, a creel witch and a Addams. The mikelsons have been friends of the Addams family for a the last 200 years so naturally I assume the witch will help us on rescuing gustav, his uncle and friends.

Niklaus nearly at the idea for getting the catalyst...calliope, a rather beautiful name much older name than ours...Greek I believe.
Rebekah and I are helping fighting off the rouge Luna clan, freeing mr Northman, Pam and merkel and others. I look up to see Merkels nephew drop from the grip of calliope as the last of the catalyst had entered her body, blood dripping from her lips...eyes closed...her body still. Merkel moved Gustavs body a few feet from the alter calliope lay, he's speaking to him in Swedish, even at my age I speak only a few languages and Swedish is not one of them currently.

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