Chapter 19: 428 to 430AD part 1

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So last chapter was smutty and terrifying

Eric and calliope getting close again spoilt by nightmarish memories of calliopes creators

The three occultists...

One of them used to be good...kind and friendly with calliope but was then corrupted by the others

Did he sell her out and hand her over to them?
Were they lovers? Siblings??? Or just enslaved like the other slaves????

Has anyone seen bill in Boy kills world???

2321 words

Eric POV

My beautiful sister is in pain before me, a nightmare of who knows what but if i concentrate enough I can feel what she is feeling...she the almighty supernatural terrified and such pain in beginning to fill her body atom by atom.

"I am sorry sister..." i say to myself as i lay in my coffin on the flight, i ordered a double one so i can lay with calliope if she awoke and thought she was alone. 'hon har ont...hon är kall och känner en sådan rädsla... vi måste hjälpa henne' I thought to Pam and Merkel.

"Maybe Gustav knows something about this, he helped us before, I feel I can trust him and I do not trust anyone so easily..." merkel thinks back to me.

( she is in pain...she is cold and feeling such fear...we must help her...)

"How can you trust some double crossing witch? We don't know him.." Pam finally speaks up, "i know him...he is from my human life...he is my nephew...' Merkel tells us. 'It has been many years since I saw him or people that I know from my human life. He is my little nephew Gustav. So my magic is his magic...he can help us' he continues.

Calliope POV


We were running faster than any of the others trying to not be caught and sold those that deemed themselves higher than us. No one is higher than another human, regardless of status and wealth.

"Keep running!!" I yell to him, this beautiful young boy. "I'm trying to, calliope but I fear my legs have not much strength left in them.." Mieczyslaw speaks up, his breathing uneven and he grips onto my arm that I am pulling him on. We hide in a ditch as the sun went down, he rests against my shawl that I took off so he can rest his head. "Stay quiet...I will find water.." I say while rubbing his head, he nods...

"Wait don't leave me in the dark calliope...please" he says trying to get his breathing under control, I place my hand in his forehead and did a trick but I still don't know how I do these tricks, his breathing is getting easier and his pain in his legs die down. "I'll go that way for a just a minute or two, if I can't find water then I will come back for you and we will have to keep moving ok?" I say looking at him with all the care and love I have in me right now.

 "I'll go that way for a just a minute or two, if I can't find water then I will come back for you and we will have to keep moving ok?" I say looking at him with all the care and love I have in me right now

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