Jim Streets file

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Name-Jim street
Birthday-November 6th

Relatives-Eddie Street(Father)
Karen Street(mother)
Leo Street(Brother)

Eddie Street was killed by Karen Street
He was also Abusive and this has caused past trauma to the children

Karen Street killed Eddie Street one night and then was sent to Rehabilitate and redeem her Crimes

Leo Street has been staying with Jim Street ever since Karen Street was sent away and Eddie Street was murdered he had been prescribed with ADHD and Anxiety

Extra- Jim Street often zones out but what we have learned is if you give him something sweet he won't zone out or he will Snap back to reality

There is no name for this disease yet and there is no cure yet we believe it is a form of anxiety and ADHD he may loose his memories of what happened before when he zones in again

He has therapy every week with Milly Kallicia to help with past Trauma and his

Personality-Jim Street is often Reckless and Care free but he has a kind heart for those he claims as friends and family
Signed off

Milly Kallicia

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