Chapter 3

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That's the thing Leo didn't show up to the station at day which was confusing to street but he thought he went home

So be that a surprise when he got home and Leo wasn't there he then searched the entire house and couldn't find him

Street ran to his bike and threw his helmet on and raced to the school

Once he got there he ran to the receptionist

"Hey had Leo left the school?" Street asked as soon as he was in front of the nice lady

"Yeah why?" She asked concerned as street was usually calm and composed

"Damit!" Street yelled as he ran out of the school and to his bike and raced to the station where he knew he could track him

As soon as he put the bike in park he threw his helmet off and raced into the building passing some confused people who were working Night

He then ran to the tracking room we're one of the workers were

"Hey i need to track someone can you do that for me?" He ran up to her and asked

"I suppose we aren't busy so who do you want me to track and do they have something on them?" The lady asked as she walked over to the tracking area

(Don't ask I'm making this all up at the top of my brain)

Street sighed and answered her

"Leo street and try's new track his cellphone" street said

She then got to work not questioning his seriousness as she knew this must've been a kidnapping

"Ok I've got something" she answered after a few Minotaur dog street pacing back and forth not knowing what to do

"Says it's at the ***** school but wait isn't that an abandoned school?" She asked but it was to late as street was already rushing out the door but ended up going past his boss who then stopped him

"Didn't you already leave why are you here?"
Hondo asked him as deacon listened in as well

"Forgot something need to go now talk later!"
Street yelled as he ran out the station and to his bike

Hondo looked at deacon and they nodded knowing they were going to follow him so they ran to the car and followed him as he also had a tracker on his phone like everyone on Hondo's team

Street eventually made it to the abandoned school and got off and ran into the school except his footsteps were as silent as a mouse

He then heard quiet hushed voices talking about killing someone who then he heard a scream that's when he ran in and saw two boys one girl and his brother Leo on the floor bleeding out

Street then tackled the two guys to the ground with the girl running out screaming but he didn't care he needed to make sure his brother was safe

He then heard footsteps enter but he already knocked the two guys out and was holding his brother who was balling his eyes out

"Shh your alright Leo your alright" street whispered in a nice gentle voice that was very surprising

When Hondo and deacon found street holding Leo's bleeding body which was almost dead they didn't know what to do

All protocols say to bring them both to the hospital but they couldn't give a big enough heart to separate them

"Street we need to bring you and Leo to the hospital" Hondo finally said

"Ye-yeah we probably should huh" street said as he finally slowly got up off the ground but still holding Leo to his chest

When he turned around Hondo say something he never thought he would see in his life

Street and tears in his eyes but he held a smile like he knew the moment his smile dropped he would break

Hondo and deacon slowly lead them to the car and to the hospital

(They came back for streets bike after everything)

Once they got to the hospital the nurses and doctors rushed Leo into surgery which left street heartbroken

He almost broke but he didn't

Hondo knew what street was doing
And he didn't like it one bit

The kid should be aloud to let his feelings out but no he refused to let anything out let alone a
single year

Hondo grabbed the kid and hugged him

He made sure the kid felt he was there and knew it was alright to let his feelings out
Then street broke

Street shed a single tear
Then another
And another

And another

Until he was crying so many tears you couldn't keep track

He cried in his bosses arms like he was his father that he never got

Which he didn't

Hood O knew this so he wanted to help the kid out and be like a father to him

Street eventually fell asleep after crying his heart out

Deacon couldn't do anything except be there and go through streets hair as he went through his crisis

Hondo messaged everyone saying that there would be no work tomorrow and everyone can take a week off

He also messaged his own boss this

Hondo knew street needed a break

Hondo also knew everyone needed a break

They had been working hard these last few days due to an uproar of crimes and cases that needed to be solved

The doctors said Leo was in stable condition and that they couldn't stay long due to visiting hours and that they could visit tomorrow as today Leo needed some rest

They ended up staying at hondos house after that

Street didn't want to go home alone to his empty apartment and Hondo knew street needed someone to be with him during this hard time

Deacon went home to his family

And that's how Hondo ended up waking up multiple times during the night due to street having nightmares

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