Chapter 1

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The team had just gotten done with a mission and was celebrating

Street then Felt his phone vibrate and took it out and saw the number

"S'cuse me i gotta take this" street mumbled out as he left the room and took the phone call

The team just thought it might've been a relative or friend So they didn't question it

"Hello is this Jim Street?" The caller asked

"This is" Street answered

"We need you to come and pick up Leo he had gotten into a fight with one of his classmates" the Caller asked Jim who then sighed

"I'll be there soon but it might be a bit cause I'm at work" Jim answered

"Yes that's fine just be here as soon as you can please" the caller asked

They then hung up with a final see you soon
Street walked back into the room

"So who was that?" Deacon asked the kid

"No one important but am i free to leave?" Street answered then asked His boss Hondo

"But we were about to start a party to celebrate our closed case" Luca Complained to him

"You can celebrate but I've got to go" Street answered right away

"Well i suppose you are free to go" hondo answered as he looked at the kid concerned and Confused

Street then nodded and headed to the locker room to get changed and head out

The team didn't know what was going on but they knew that the phone call must've been pretty important

Hondo's first thought was that it was Streets

But he hadn't realized that Street had no longer had any contact with Karen Street his mother for 2 weeks now

Street ran to his bike and raced all the way to the School where Leo was at probably getting many tickets on the way

Once he got to the school he parked and ran to the school where he saw the secretary

"Name?" The lady asked

"Jim street I'm here for Leo" Jim answered

"Ah welcome back Jim" the lady answered when she finally heard the name and looked up to see him standing there chill and relaxed as always which she then shooed him to the office where Leo was sitting and some other boy who's mother was standing next to him

"Ah Mr Street welcome" the principal welcomed him in which he walked over to Leo who had
bandages on his hands and face

"So your that monsters father look what he did to my poor boy" the lady screamed at Street who looked at her then looked away to his Brother

"Leo can you tell me what happened?" He asked the child whom was only 16

"He started it he said i should be like my father and get killed or kill myself and so he made me angry"

Leo admitted in a small voice
Street looked up from the boy and glared daggers into the lady

"You can't possibly believe him he's a lier my boy would never do something like that!" The lady screamed

"Well my brother would never hurt someone for no reason!" Street yelled back

"Please everyone relax both boys will be suspended for one week unless someone wants to admit they were lying?" The principal asked and reasoned

No one said anything

"Alright both boys won't come to school till next week Wednesday enjoy the rest of your day" the principal answered for everyone

"Farewell principal" Leo mumbled out as him and street exited the building

"Alright I've got your helmet we're heading back home and when we get home you will be explaining everything for it?" street Told the boy who nodded in response then they put their helmets one and headed home

At Home

"Alright explain" Jim told Leo as they set their helmets down on the counter and headed to the living room

"Well the boy he's called Edward he hates my guts i don't know why though" Leo paused which Jim Nodded for him to go on

"I don't know how he knew that Mom killed dad and all i know is he said to go kill myself like dad did and all i saw was red and so i tackled him down and started to punch him then we continued the fight the teacher came by saw the fight separated us sent us to the office and called you" Leo finished explaining to Jim who was slowly getting angrier

"Alright bud now to explain what's going to happen"Jim started but paused and looked at Leo who nodded his head to show he was listening

"Alright one you will be grounded for the week no ps no games and you will be doing chores daily got it?"

Leo nodded

"Alright I've got work tomorrow if anything happens call me but if it is really bad come find me got it?" Street asked as he wrapped a arm around his shoulder

"Ok." Leo mumbled
Leo knew the rules and he wouldn't dare break them

After a few days

"Another successful case completed" Luca yelled aloud as they headed to the main room

As they were talking about the amazing mission someone walked in

"Um excuse me Jim Street?" The lady asked

"Yep that's me" street responded giving a smile

"Two people are here to see you" the lady responded

"Ugh again why can't i even work in peace" street complained as he walked out and went to see the people

What street didn't think he would be seeing was one of his old friends and a police officer then his 16 year old little brother who looked like he had been beaten to a pulp

"What the hell happened to you?" Street asked as soon as he saw his brother

"Found him fighting some drunk old dude took him here as soon as i saw him as your younger brother" the police officer answered

"Thanks man I'll take him now" Jim answered while sighing and smiling at the old friend
The police officer then left the two

"Follow" Street said sternly

They then started walking and found themselves in the kitchen

"Sit" Leo sat down as he told him to do

"I can't even leave you at home alone cause you do stupid shit Leo what the hell happened you know the rules i told you but you didn't listen why is that"

Street asked as he sat across from him Head in his hands waiting for a answer

"He was taunting me and it was irritating" Leo mumbled out for his older brother to hear

"Leo don't let them anger you don't make my mistakes" street responded Leo didn't say anything nor moved an inch

"Alright you haven't eaten yet what do you want" street said as he stood up

"Suppose we should patch you up first huh" street asked as he looked over to his brother who looked up and smiled

"Stay here I'll be back with a few bandages" street said as he walked away
Leo stayed put

After a bit someone walked in but it wasn't street...

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