Part 1 introduction

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Your pov:

I recently moved to Derry cause of my mom and dad splitting up, me and my 3 brothers decided to go with my dad while my sister went with my mom. We had been here only a couple of weeks, It was the last day of school my dad forced me to go ugh so boring what's the point. I went to the principal walking through the packed halls of Derry school, I walked past this gang leaning on the lockers they gave a creepy vibe,1 boy had a mullet with a bronze blonde kind of hair colour with a red shirt, one with bleach blonde hair and pretty cool shirt and pants , another boy a black shirt and cap but the last boy damn he was hot, just my type tall, lanky, raven black hair and piercing grey eyes, he looked at me with a devilish grin and then licked his lips.

"Chao, hello you're gonna trip dumbass" my brother kyro joked he's a good brother but a bit protective " shut the fuck up before I burn your ass" " I like that girl " a deep voice said from a distance. Ugh fist class " hello chao goode is it, your seat is behind Patrick at the back " oh great the hot guy from earlier aww man how am I ment to do this he's so fine okay breathe.

Half way through the lesson

I feel a foot between my thighs unravelling my bandages from my legs. I turned around to see patrick glaring at me with his smirk "dude can you knock it off it ages to do them" sorry princess couldn't help it" he quietly spoke with a calm tone "well just stop jeez" I turned around back to the from of the class staring off into the distance this class was so boring "class dismissed " I grabbed my bag and sprinted out of the class

-time skip- "AYE CHAO " of course it was Kyro my stupid brother "WHAT DUMB ASS"
"I MADE A FRIEND" " wow how surprising"
Kyro was about a couple of months younger so he made friend that were like younger I guess " HIS NAMES RICHIE AND IM FRIENDS THE OTHER GUYS ASWELL" I was about to answer until I got shoved onto a locker " what the hell" of course it was patrick and the others "so you're chao goode I see you and brother look similar "
"Who are you!?" "The names Henry Bowers"
I felt a pair of lanky arms wrap around waist
It felt nice but I couldn't show it " how about you come hang with us and leave your brother to hang out with those losers" Henry was eh let's just say your average boy he acted all that but truly he wasn't
"Ya know bowers I got things to be doing"
"Like" " like I don't know setting shit on fire which comes to think of it ,are there any junkyards around here?" He doesn't answer my question and just gives patrick a death stare. I try to get out of the firm arms holding me captive but it doesn't work ugh
" Chao what are you doing with these guys"
" Kyro honestly I have no idea but if you go into my room and find my can and lighter I'll give you 10 bucks" " Sweet"
"Damn patrick she's just like you!" The bleach blonde practically shouts.
"Dude can you let go"
" no can do" patrick cooed I kick him in the nuts and sprinted out the door of the school. As I walk down the grass I see a group of people being builled hang on that's my brother.
Henry tries to tackle and push me to the ground I side tackle him and jump on his back " don't test me bowers someone has done this before and they ended up dead I won't hesitate to do the same thing as I did to the other guy" I have fought a lot of battles so I know a lot of moves and I have a very good instinct so I can tell when someone is coming to punch me.
I walk all the losers home, Kyro was tired so I carried him on my back. We finally got home I opened the door and surprisingly didn't see my dad, maybe he's already found another job. As I drop Kyro on the couch I see a note from my dad "hey kiddo I've found another job, anyway are neighbours are nice I think their last name is bowers have a good day, love dad"
You're having a laugh bowers my neighbour great this is gonna be a great summer
"Chao can we meet our neighbours"
Ugh zac I know he's my brother but he's so annoying I guess I could say a daddy's boy
"VIK!!" "YEAH CHAO" "CAN YOU TAKE ZAC TO MEET THE NEIGHBOURS" "WHY DON'T WE ALL GO!!" "FINE" all 4 of us gather and leave the house and walk next door. Viktor knocks on the door "I'll get it" ugh just as I suspected Henry Bowers answers the door
"What do you people want" " ahh you must be the one and only Henry Bowers we recently moved in next door and our sibling zac wanted to meet the neighbours" viktor spoke like an old man I'm not gonna lie
"Hang on aren't you the girl from school " because I was the only girl there "yeah what's that got to do with you but I mean it mullet boy hurt my family ill do twice as damage to you!" I sounded pissed but I have every right to be don't I.

-time skip-

My dad walked through the door "hey kids I made a new work friend she's really nice and her and her son are coming around tomorrow there last names are hockstetter, Chao don't scare them off please" " fine" great more new people jeez maybe my dad might actually find a decent person to be friends with . After we all have dinner the boys sit on the couch and watch TV while I go up to my room and pick an outfit out for tomorrow(your choice) ugh it's getting late and I've got to go to the kissing bridge cause why not it has a good bit of trees.

-next day-

I wake up to my alarm beeping so annoying
I get dressed and leave the house without telling anyone cause it's my business not anyone else's. I walk down past the library and down to the kissing bridge I stop as I see a group of boys gathered around one boy I can't tell who though I think it's the other new kid luckily I always carry a baseball bat with me I snuck up behind the boys and the mullet kid proceeds to punch the new kid in the face "OI BOWERS TAKE THIS!" I whack him in the head he falls to the ground and the new kid falls back into the fence as mullet head gets up I hop over the fence and stumble down the hill I run right down a green path and run down to a river. I hear foot steps behind me I run into a sewer and hide in a dent that's in the wall "I hear ya tits" a voice echos, a sweat drips down my face I hear the sound of fire a big fire like the ones I do with my can and lighter.

"don't think you can stay down here all damn day now"

Shit shit shit what am I gonna do he's closer "hey new girl" " what do you want!" I practically spit he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder covering my mouth

"Let's make this quick new girl I've got a place to go to tonight with my mom I know lame so I don't wanna get too worked up" I lick his hand to get it off my mouth it worked

" what are you plotting in your twisted head asshole"

"What's your last name?"

"What's yours?"


"Well my name is Chao goode"

We both say the same time we ended up laughing he put me down and picked me back up but carried me in bride style .

" hey um how did you make the fire"

" can and lighter"

"You do that too!"

"Yeah I do"

"Finally someone who likes fire"
As he refuses to put me down we talk and surprisingly the boy who bullies my brother I start to develop a crush on and I don't regret it. Patrick his name was he went somewhere dunno where but he left I went home and went to my room and just lied on my bed realising I get to see patrick later a blushing smile appears on my face.

My dad screams at the top of his lungs
"what do you wa-"
"Guests are here is what I want this is avery hockstetter (I don't know what Patrick's mums name is) and Patrick Hockstetter"

" hello dear, you must be Chao your dad doesn't stop talking about you and Patrick doesn't shut up about you either"

"Right nice to meet you"
"any dad I'm gonna go to the quarry"
"What about dinner "
"ill cook something up when I get back " as I left I heard my dad whisper something to patrick and he left the house and followed me. I got into my truck and drove to quarry, I parked behind a tree and got out of my clothes leaving me in my shorts and sports bra, I stand still for a few moments looking at the jump and water until I feel a lanky warm pair of arms wrap around my waist . A warm breath hits the back of neck making me shiver.

"Hey princess"
"Yeah doll "
"How did you find me"
" I followed you but I won't lie Y/N even though we don't know each other but I would like to meet you more I wanna know you better"
" I won't lie either patrick but even though you bully my brother you're hot and I like you ,you have nice interests"

"I'm hot am i"

"AGHHHHAAAA YOU BITCH" patrick pushes me of the cliff a massive splash explodes next to me.

"Well princess if you think I'm hot I can show you hot"

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