His Beautiful Eyes

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I never thought my eyes were anything special.

I still remember people complimenting me for my eyes. But it never mattered much for me. Instead, it made me ponder over the reason why they did so. Yes, my eyes were blue like that of my old man- a rare and exotic colour above all. But it wasn't that I had awakened my Byakugan or such. Nor, it had one a million kind- feature. My eyes, in conclusion, were nothing to swoon over.

So, it took me by surprise when Sarada confessed openly that she liked my eyes.

"Your eyes are so pretty"

I was in state of utter shock as the memories of our childhood and genin days started to flood my mind- bringing with them a sense of nostalgia. Sarada had commented on my eyes before- I remembered the day she told me than they were bluer than my father. And how my proud 12 year old self was not able to keep his emotions in check, and ended up blushing like crazy in front on his Uchiha comrade- who might or might not be his secret crush. Of course, that stubborn brat would never ever accept that fact.

But I did.

Her face was scarlet red when my stupid curiosity chimed in as I asked her the reason for the same.

"What's so special about them anyways?"

Of course, I didn't expect the staunch 17 year old Uchiha heiress to succumb to her moment of weakness once again and answer my query. And she didn't. Instead, her face turned redder as she increased her pace dramatically in order to run away from me- but not before giving me a strong smack on my back and calling me "Baka"

She also mumbled something as she paced away from me. But the only word I ever caught was "gorgeous."

Was she talking about my eyes?


I never thought that blue eyes were anything special.

Until that day.

When I met her.

I still remember the day her ocean blue orbs met mine for the first time- a wave of intense pleasure and a strange kind of calmness soothed my whole heart. Her eyes were gorgeous; they were like crystal clear orbs, containing a vast blue ocean within it. The ocean that was made up of her pure emotions.

No wonder they were so ethereal and soothing. It was nearly impossible not to get mesmerized by them. For they reflected her innocent charm; her joy after getting her favorite books, or her immense curiosity when she learnt something. Her cheerfulness when she was around her loved ones and friends and even her sadness at times- like when her favourite stray cat just disappeared one day to never return back.

Lord! How much I hated that look.

But now, she was all sunny and giddy in front of me- with a sweet smile on her face.

"What happened? Why are you looking at me?" she asked as she caught me staring at her.

"Nothing. Its just that your eyes are so gorgeous, my darling"I answered as I ruffled her soft black hair playfully.

A wide smile adorned her 5 year -old face again "Of course they are! Mama says my eyes are as gorgeous as you, Papa" 


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