Rebel ( Without a Cause) [ Borusara Week 2024]

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The dark night prevailed. The tea in front of her had already turned cold a long time ago- but she could care less. A wave of cool night breeze entered the moonlit kitchen as the pinkette sat motionless on her dining table. Feeling nothing; wanting nothing. Or maybe she did feel something but tried to suppress it for her own good.
But for how long? She wondered
Suddenly, A strong breeze hit her face - making her pink hair flow. Her senses went on alert as she prepped herself for the unavoidable confrontation that she had seen a long time coming. She let out a sigh ; a very long one.

"Sarada, is that you?"

No response

" Sarada, dear?"

There was something melancholic desperation in those words of hers; pleading for an answer - she could never get.

But then amidst the unbreakable silence- in  the dim moonlit corridor , she saw a familiar silhouette. She remained on her seat. Silence remained for what seemed like eternity.

" Sarada, it's almost 2 in the morning" It was her that broke that defeating silence. " It's too late to be awake"

" I could ask you the same question, mama" the voice was sweet as usual; but it was too cold and detached for her liking.

But it didn't surprised her; her few strong cold words- for she knew where they came from. She knew the girl that stood in the shadows way better than anyone else- she was her mother after all.

If she ever was to speak the truth, she would say that she was gushing with pure joy when the new mother found out that her precious new born daughter was a true reflection of her beloved man; that was none other than the father of her child. From jet black hair to those shiny onyx eyes, from her demeanour to her stubborn temperament- every major trait indicated his ties with her.Even if that sentiment weren't shared by many others around her- who saw it as a bad omen. After all, who wanted to share the face and blood of a man who had once been declared a traitor? But Sakura thought otherwise. She was indeed relieved when her daughter developed the familiar traits of her darling husband as she had wished the heavens above her.

Why? One might ask.

But she would just smile and leave- and let the silence fill the void.

It was just that time; the troubled night hour that her silence failed to occupy the void  between her and her precious child.

The clock ticked- Sakura needed no glance to predict that the clock showed that it was already 15 minutes past 2. The night was painfully quiet. The moonlight had failed to lit up the silhouette in front of her jade eyes, maybe- but she knew her all too well.

" Let's have a cup of tea, just you and me" In her jaded orbs, she held wildest of hopes- for the night to end with a single cup of green tea and no harsh words  of truth. But fate always seemed to have different plans for her.

" It's too late Mama, you should call it a night"

Something snapped.Without any warning; without any call.

Sakura let out an ironic scoff " Why? So you can run off to him?" It took mere seconds and few harsh words- and the pinkette saw her whole world crashing down in front of her. The fear and regret that filled her heart swore not to come on her face- but still got reflected in her tired doe eyes. She shouldn't have said that; should have kept her words to herself. For when she saw that moonlit shadow flinch, it made her pray to heavens above to not make her worst nightmare come true.

But fate had different plans for her; it always had.

For when the trajectory of the moon changed, the pale moonlight finally lit up the shadow in front of her. The silence became deafening. The clock on the wall of the dining hall failed to tick- as time ceased for her; only her.
That was when she saw the moonlight reviving her worst demons; a reflection of something she had killed and buried aeons ago.

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