Trigger Of Condemnation

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Summary: "Apparently, Kuchiki-san was a Human who was turned into a Vampire."Kaname stated, watching Zero for a reaction, but found none."But you already knew that, didn't you, Kiryu-kun?"The silverette looked at the brunet Pureblood calmly."Just how exactly do you two know each other?"

"That is none of your concern, boy."Byakuya stated coldly.


"Apparently, Kuchiki-san was a Human who was turned into a Vampire."Kaname stated, watching Zero for a reaction, but found none."But you already knew that, didn't you, Kiryu-kun?"The silverette looked at the brunet Pureblood calmly."Just how exactly do you two know each other?"The Trio noticed that the way Byakuya and Zero had a staring contest, as if they were having a silent conversation. 

"Fine."The silverette suddenly gritted out, looking annoyed and stood up suddenly, looking back at the trio.

"Ah, Zero, maybe you shouldn't be standing so..."Yuki trailed off as a soft, white, glow surrounded Zero, which only grew brighter before the glow faded away, and before them was no longer a boy, but a girl with long, curly, silver hair and she was slightly smaller in height compared to Yuki."Z-Zero?"Yuki stuttered, startled by Zero's change in appearance.

"Yes, I'm a girl. Surprise."Zero said dully as she looked at them calmly.

"How is that possible!?!"Yuki exclaimed, dumbfounded.

"It's one of the many abilities that Purebloods have in common with each other. The ability to change their gender, voice, and facial features."Zero explained calmly as Kaname and Kaien looked startled by this realisation.

"W-wait, you're a Pureblood Vampire?"Yuki asked, confused, and Zero merely nodded.

"But how is that possible? the Kiryu Family is a Vampire Hunter Clan."Kaien stated questionably and Kaname's eyes narrowed as he looked at the revealed Pureblood before them while Yuki continued to stare at Zero.

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