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After the meeting ended—no one lost a head, much to Muci's dismay—Jennifer stalked up to Dominic.

"I haven't seen you at Nightfare in a while."

Dominic glanced at her. Since the meeting ended, she had pulled down her neckline lower and pressed her chest out. If she wasn't so clinically immaculate, the trick may have worked. He scoffed. "If I don't want to go, I don't."

"Unless you father tells you to." She leaned in closer, pressed against him. "I didn't take you for a daddy's boy."

Dominic twisted her behind him, pinning her by his hips and pulling her against his lips, hard. The Capo boys pretended not to notice, but Muci watched with a small smirk.

Dominic finally stepped back and licked his lips.

That had broken Jennifer's immaculate perfection. She stammered and stepped away. "You—" She wiped her mouth and patted her hair down.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Dominic leaned against the wall, sliding his thumbs into his pockets. "Or were you simply trying to use your allure to get me to do something?"

She smiled, a Barbie once again. "Of course not."

"You'd be a fool to use your ability on the one person who has trained to resist mind games since a child."

She laughed nervously and flipped her hair. "My mom wanted me to come over to talk to you." She cleared her throat. "Flirt with you." She glanced over to see her mom had turned her back, talking to Capo. Her smile disappeared. "She wants you to go out with me. Or just put a baby in me and we'll call it quits."

Dominic laughed. "Who's the mommy's girl now?"

"What if I made it worthwhile? Uniting our families would—"

Dominic watched as Lombard's appeared over her daughter's shoulder and pinched her ear, nearly tearing the lobe from her head. Jennifer yelped, but quickly regained composure in the pain.

Lombard took a deep breath, refusing to let up the pressure between her index finger and thumb. "Forgive my daughter. She seems to be loose all over." A slight shimmer of allure passed over Lombard, but she shook it off when Dominic raised an eyebrow.

Never had a woman and her mom tried to seduce him.

Lombard dragged her daughter off. Rossi stared at his son with a raised eyebrow. Muci hurried over, his daughters lagging. "You and Jennifer, huh? Finally uniting the families?"

Dominic glared. "Isn't your mistress in labor?"

Muci waved a hand. "All the more reason to stay and chat. A woman is such a bore with a new child." He leaned in. "The Lombards are difficult to please, but I imagine this will do. Your father will be thrilled. He's been gunning for combined territory for years. I'm all for it. The more territory is in Rossi hands, the more sources you will uncover, and the lower prices will drop. Lats week, I had to go without drinking my source and nearly got burnt to a crisp." He shivered. "When will you do the deed?"

Dominic resisted the urge to alleviate Muci's dismay and lob off a head—Muci's specifically. "I don't do plans. If I feel like it, I will. Until then, I recommend you return to your neighborhood before Dane considers you an intruder and makes you a chew toy."

Muci frowned and narrowed his eyes. "Have it your way, boy." He stalked off. Dominic's blood was boiling—whether by the fact that Muci, the plump money launderer south of the river, assumed he would get together with Jennifer or by the idea of marrying some flimsy Barbie princess.

He took a deep breath and the image of a young woman—soft, empathetic green eyes and a bright smile—embracing his dog expanded in his mind. Raelyn. His chest tightened as the image changed to her bending over, blood pouring out of her nose and fear hardening those soft eyes. The scent of blood, normally of brine and rust, floated past him with a soothing sweetness. She was a source—a good one.

"You'll do it."

Dominic blinked, pulling himself back into reality. His father stood beside him, surveying the empty room. Dominic shook his head. "What?"

"Jennifer. I'll give you three months to get used to each other. I want an alliance by then, understood?"

Dominic's chest began to tighten once more. "No."

In an instant, Rossi had his son pinned against the wall, forearm shoved her his chin. "What was that?" Panic ravaged through Dominic as Rossi pulled a silver dagger from his waistband. Dominic had left his behind, following the rules of the Gathering.

Rossi slid the knife between two of his son's ribs. Dominic gritted his teeth but kept silent as the metal burned through his body, nearly crippling his legs.

"Maybe you didn't hear my question." Rossi twisted the blade and Dominic glared as sweat poured down his head. "What did you say?"

Dominic exhaled slowly. "Yes, sir."

Rossi yanked the blade out, pinning his son against the wall with his hand. "That's what I thought." He slid the knife into his waistband, ignoring the glimmering blood on the blade. Then, he left.

Crockett rushed forward, grabbing Dominic's arm to steady him as he healed. After a few seconds, the pierced flesh had woven back together. Dominic pushed Crockett away. "Get the car ready."

Crockett nodded and hurried out the door.


Muci chuckled as he slid into the backseat of the car. His two daughters followed him, silently plugged into their phones. He pulled out his phone, all humor vanishing from his face.

Tail the Rossi boy. The Lombards stay in my pocket...even if I have to marry that brat first.

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