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"This is wrong," Raelyn muttered.

"Dominic does not have a choice. His father must be stopped."

"That's not what feels wrong."

Word had come—Rossi had slaughtered the Lombards, leaving the Capos as the sole family remaining. The thought of the two blonde women sitting in a pool of blood made her stomach churn. Rossi had been ruthlessly effective. No, Dominic's decision made sense.

Gabe snored in the back seat.

Raelyn had dreamed a lot the night before. She tossed and turned, and her mind blurred with the reality. What was a vision and what was a dream? More importantly—what was real?

"The final standoff is coming soon." Her mom peeked over at her, taking her eyes off the road for only a split moment. "And we'll be ready."

"Is Dominic strong enough?"

Her mom paused. "He's tough. But Rossi has the power of four families now. Dominic does not stand a chance. Raelyn bolted up, locking her seatbelt.

"I have to go help!" Panic surged through her.

Her mom shushed her. "Relax."

As if on cue, the tension began to seep out of her.

Her mom went on. "So, after I discovered you were immune to the Rossi honesty compulsion and the Lombard seduction, I became fascinated with what would be effective. A mild slow-acting anesthetic seems to be doing its job."

Raelyn blinked. Her mom's face began to warp, her chin turning darker. "Mom?" Raelyn's head began to swim and she reached to unbuckle herself. The driver grabbed her wrist, fingers digging deep into her flesh.

"Oh, your mom won't be coming to help anytime soon. She was a good hunter, but I proved to be her better." The driver turned to her, the jaw squaring out.

"Who are you?" Her chest clenched. "What did you do to my mom?"

"Did you never wonder, dear Raelyn, what power the Bacardi's possessed? Why I would have attacked them first?" The driver's face melted as darkness rose to claim Rae.


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