Snowball Fight

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 After another good hour of skating, all three of you decided you were far too tired for more but you didn't quite feel like going home yet so you decided on hot chocolate and a nice walk.

You sipped on your peppermint hot chocolate from a cute local kiosk that Natasha bought for you and Wanda as you walked. You purposefully held back so the two could continue whatever conversation they were having without you eavesdropping. It was times like this that made you feel like a hardcore third-wheel.

Eventually, the three of you found yourselves at a park, there were a few kids around and some people walking their dogs but it wasn't overcrowded which you found nice.

You watched as some kids had a snowball fight, using the trees as shields and barely even forming a ball shape before throwing the snow.

You were about to keep walking past them when you noticed one little girl making snowballs who didn't have any gloves, her hands looked pale white but the smile never left her face even if she was freezing. She hit one of her friends in the back and jumped up to do a little dance, which resulted in her getting hit with a snowball.

She stopped to look at who threw the snow before laughing and dropping to the ground to start forming more ammo. You couldn't help but smile at her spirit, she reminded you of you.

You walked over next to the little girl and dropped down next to her forming a snowball, you handed it to her and she thanked you without even looking at you before throwing it and hitting her target. She had pretty good aim, maybe you should recruit her to the avengers you joked to yourself. Suddenly the other group ambushed you and you both got up and ran to hide behind a tree. You didn't notice Natasha and Wanda had stopped walking and had been watching the interaction.

"You've got a good arm," you told her "But I think you'd be able to make more snowballs faster if you had the proper gloves"

You took your gloves that had the avengers logo on them off and she finally stopped playing enough to notice you. When she did recognize you her eyes went wide with awe.

"You- You're-" She stood there slack-jawed and you had to grab her quickly so that she didn't get hit in the head with a snowball

"I'm an Avenger yeah!" You think you saw tears forming in her eyes "would you- would you like my gloves? I don't want you to get frostbite but you shouldn't have to stop playing" She nodded slowly as she continued to stare at you and when you handed her the gloves she stared at them like they were the most precious thing in the world.

"Do you want a picture?" She nodded rapidly, and you crouched down so you could be on her level. You snapped a few pictures from a few angles, even doing some silly faces in some and then you asked her where her mother was so you could send the pictures. She pointed over to a woman sitting on a bench and you were about to walk over when you felt something cling to you. You looked down to see the little girl hugging you tightly and smiled.

You hugged her back and told her to stay strong so she could join the avengers one day before waving goodbye to her and approaching her mother.

"Excuse me ma'am?" the woman looked up from her phone and gasped when she saw you

"Me?" you smiled at her

"Yeah" you confirmed "I just met your daughter, she's really sweet. I gave her my gloves and I took a few pictures of us- could I send them to you?" The woman nodded and rattled off her phone number and you sent the photos. You smiled as you thought about posting the photos on the official Avengers Instagram, occasionally one of you guys would post a fan interaction you had on that account. You asked the mother if that would be okay and she easily agreed.

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