Ice Skating

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"Oh God," you groaned as you saw the skating rink. 200ft of pure slippery terror stared back at you. Wanda just giggled at your exclamation, the three of you hadn't even stepped onto the rink yet.

The three of you had been hanging out a lot this Christmas season, after the gingerbread contest, the couple had been inviting you to hang out with them a lot more, decorating the Christmas tree and watching holiday movies together. Even when you tried to get out of it so the couple could have a little alone time together they found you and dragged you out to the living room to watch movies and wrap presents together.

Now you eyed the adults and children that skated hand-in-hand with weary hesitance. You wish you had a buddy you could cling to. The thought brought your eyes to the couple next to you, you watched with rapt attention as Nat bent down to double-knot one of Wanda's skates. Your heart clenched at the sight. You wished you had a 'buddy' indeed.

You sharply inhaled the scent of pine and cinnamon, feeling the sudden urge to escape, whether it was from the rink or the romance you didn't know.

You stepped one foot onto the ice, you'd always felt confident with knives and sharp tools but the blades strapped to your feet did not bring you the semblance of comfort you'd grown used to. You clung to the wall as Natasha stepped onto the ice with an unfair amount of ease, Wanda following after her with a slightly more wobbly approach. Well at least you wouldn't be completely alone, you thought.

Wanda reached over to her girlfriend who easily provided her arm for her to cling to.

Scratch that, you were completely alone.

The pair looked at you and eyed you with light amusement, you figured you must look silly clinging desperately to the rink wall.

An Avenger who could take down 10 hydra agents in 3 minutes couldn't hold herself up in a skating rink. In your defense, being able to ice skate was not on the list of requirements that you were given to qualify for the Avengers. Because you were totally given a list.

"I'm convinced you guys just brought me here to torture me" You huffed

"Well, we've got to find some amusement these days." You stared at Nat with your jaw dropped and she held her expression for a few seconds before chuckling, leaning a little as she laughed but never losing her balance.

"I'm sorry Y/n," she said after she finally began to calm down "if it's any consolation Wanda is totally cheating"

You looked at where Wanda was clinging to Nat and shrugged your shoulders in agreement

"Oh no that's just because she's clingy" Wanda slapped Nat on the shoulder at that but Nat just laughed and guided your eyes to Wanda's skates, if you looked close enough you could faintly make out a red aura pulsing around them.

You let out a small gasp. What a total cheater.

Wanda let out a laugh as she read your mind and you blushed. It was a good thing she couldn't read emotions, you tried to think quietly. Then she'd know that the sight of Nat skating had your mind on a fritz. As you eyed the rink wearily you didn't notice the smirk that adorned Wanda's face.

For the past two weeks, she'd been catching little snippets of your thoughts about her and her girlfriend and she couldn't say she was entirely too upset about them. She and Nat had been trying to catch your attention for a while, and when they learned about all the Christmas activities you did all by yourself they thought it was the perfect opportunity to try and get you to fall for them.

"Come on, it doesn't hurt to try детка"

You didn't know what the name Wanda called you meant but it was something you heard her call Nat many times before and you found yourself blushing just from her accent.

A Perfect Christmas- WandaNat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now