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          " His darkness ; her light "

The huge hall , with a royal tint, decorated with dim ochre yellow - flamed lanterns, hung along the sides and slender long candles held flickering flames as they stood emitting light , on the candle stands all around the hall.

It was a huge meet ; a huge gathering of the different shape-shifters from different realms. The kings, The queens, The administrators ; and all the powerfuls from different clans are assembling together just for keeping the infamous link between them active, or just to maintain the so called peace between the clans.

Right now , majority of the invited VIPs had already took their respective seats and was exposing themselves to the extra-formal word exchanges with each other , waiting for The two clan rulers who were yet to make an entry ; The Royal family of Shape-shifting Eagles or the ichchadhari cheels , The horror dream of all the Realms ; tagged as the epitome of cruelty and finally, The Royal Serpents or the Ichchadhari naag-naagins, ones who were tagged as the epitome of Goodness.

As the muffled whisperings of the ones inside went on, a breathless guard rushed in , the slight shivering indicated the fear that was instilled in the poor one's heart for the ones who he witnessed now.

"The Eagles are here !" The single statement left the hall in pin drop silence and the ones inside stood up, in their places , of fear ? Respect ? Might be due to the awareness about how heartless the whole clan is and how powerful they were !

The Eagles were terrors to be precise , they pleasured themselves through others pain. The whole realm had nothing in them called mercy or kindness and they never have had a remorse of how pathetic they have been ! They just flaunt their sadism with utmost pride and continue their ruthless lives.

None from the wide numbers of Realms have dared to say a word against the Clan of Eagles and the ones who ever had raised an ounce of voice already had been decomposed into mere soil in the most cruelest ways possible. Truth was , no clan was powerful enough , even to raise their voice against the Clan of Eagles !

The guard stuck himself to the wall of a corner and held his breath ; his eyes casted down and hands wrapped tightly around the spear in his grip as the whole hall shook , cloths swirled, flames flickered and hairs untidied due to the heavy fluttering of wings which terminated a second later, marking the entrance of him ; Them.

                         THE KING !

In the regular black Jacket and ripped black jeans The King ; The horror of the Shape-shifters entered

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In the regular black Jacket and ripped black jeans The King ; The horror of the Shape-shifters entered. The very first foot he kept inside the hall caused the lanterns and flames to die and the place dipped in pure darkness ; The most comfortable ambience for Eagle Ruler ; Veeranshu Singhania to thrive !

Two more Singhania's ; Daksh and Pankaj , brothers to Veeranshu , bagged him with evil smirks plastered on their faces. It was only their faded images which were visible to others and that mere shadow even seemed scary for the ones inside.

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