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     "What exactly is this Feeling?"

Veer stormed down the stairs fully disturbed

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Veer stormed down the stairs fully disturbed. He was simply lost in Bani's charm ,from the moment he woke up and was behaving Fully out of character.

Unlike his normal self, he asked her if she was fine or not, he didn't say or do a thing when Bani denied his physical advance and finally he chose a dress he wanted to see her being clad in !

These things were something which Veer's brain and his King self couldn't accept. He wasn't a bit ready to accept his changes. He instantly walked out leaving an order for Bani, not wanting to be more soft and changed infront of her !

Veer gritted his teeth and walked down to the Main dining hall, all enraged and more confused but was welcomed by his Elder brother who was already present there.

"Veer ?! Good... " Tapish, who noticed the , storming in veer, opened his mouth to wish a good morning but was cut harshly by veer who kicked the table in fury.

"It's not good!" He stated loudly and Tapish looked him totally taken aback, slightly getting tensed thinking how veer would have pulled out his anger on an innocent Bani. But he kept his mouth shut not wanting veer to be more enraged and silently sat there, plastering his gaze on his brother. On the other hand Veer was getting more irritated by Tapish's silence. If someone could end his confusions , it was only Tapish as he was the only one who used his heart at times, inside the whole Eagle territory. 

"Won't you ask what happened , Bhai?" veer huffed in pure annoyance when he felt Tapish was not gonna ask anything. He can't be blamed either, veer always had forbid any type of questioning when he was angry, he hated even a simple question of well being. 

"What happened?" Tapish gulped and looked at Veer in pure wonder. Was he asking to put forward a question?

"why Am I affected by Bani's distress ?" He asked straightly, pushing his hands inside either of his pant pockets and with his eyebrows creased.

Tapish looked at him wide eyed and then took a deep breath for stopping himself from smiling and making Veer go more mad. No doubt, the scary Eagle King was losing it , slowly infront of the Serpent Queen.

"Veer.." Tapish gently called.

"Don't tell any shit explanations. It's not love or anything " veer interrupted, impatiently while Tapish once again looked at veer, fully surprised. He shook his head and nodded at veer.

"I didn't say anything veer" Tapish said seriously and Veer frowned. "I wasn't about to say that it's love !" Tapish cleared it in firm words while Veer's forhead deepened, and unknowingly his animal instincts started to churn. Deep inside he wanted Tapish to say that it's love, he had no idea why, but his heart silently wished that.

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