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Once we arrived at the ball we got out of the car and walked up towards the entrances hearing flashing cameras and lights being shined

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Once we arrived at the ball we got out of the car and walked up towards the entrances hearing flashing cameras and lights being shined

I closed my eyes trying to avoid the cameras and the lights when I and Hayden walked into the ballroom it was the most beautiful thing I had ever been to well it was the first ball I had been to in my entire life so yeah but I loved the colors and the chandeliers I smiled while looking up at the chandeliers

I feel my hand being tugged onto Hayden he looks at me like I'm crazy but I shrug him off and hear him say "You want some wine" I nod my head and hear him whisper "I need words bellissima" I look him in his grayish eyes and say "yes please" he smiles and walk into the crowd leaving me by myself in an unknown place with strangers I bite down on my lower lip while playing with my fingers while looking down at the beautiful marble floor

I hear somebody say "GISSELLE" I turn around tryna find out who's calling my name I shrug my shoulders and continue to wait for Hayden to get back with the drinks while I'm waiting

I hear the same voice yelling my name and I turn around to see my best friend Michelle I smile and walk up to her and wrap my arms around her tightly finally having somebody in this fancy that I can talk to we pull back and she looks me up and down and says "damn babes you look good" I smile and mumble a thank you

I look at her colorful string dress with golden strap hells and I look her up and down while saying "Babes you look better than me the fuck" we both laugh while we continue to talk

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see my ex-boyfriend James I brush his hand over my shoulder and I say "What the fuck are you doing here James and what do you want ??" he decides to take his time looking at me up and down with those perverted eyes of his I close my eyes and breath in and out slowly

Michelle's dress & heels

I hear James say "We have some unfinished business remember," he said while giving me the nastiest smirk ever

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I hear James say "We have some unfinished business remember," he said while giving me the nastiest smirk ever

I turn around and whisper in her ear softly and I say "could you go find Hayden Carter and tell him I'm with my parents OK" She nods and disappears into the crowd while leaving me alone again with nobody but the annoying and weird ex-boyfriend that I hate to the core I turn around and look at his now smirking face I look away from him and say "come on take me to my parents"

he grips my wrist tightly while I'm whining under my breath knowing a bruise will be on my wrist by tomorrow I look at James like he was crazy because he was "James I need you to unloose your fucking tight grip around my wrist because you're hurting me" I said

he stops dead in his tracks turns around looks me dead in my eyes and continues to squeeze and tighten his grip around my wrist feeling my warm tears slide down my cheek slowly

he whispers into my ear "Stop moving bitch before I beat your ass so you can't move for a week" he looks me in my eyes and I look away from his gaze while feeling my whole body tremble and shake while breathing heavily while taking my lower lip into my lip

I wanted to scream for help so bad but I was scared to just ask for help because they wouldn't believe me so I couldn't even try that while walking past so many people

I watch my parents talk and chat away with these rich people while sipping on their cheap wine once we walk closer to them my mother looks at me then my father looks at me and they both walk towards me "You know how fucking worried we were?" they both said

I roll my eyes while snatching my now bruised up out of James' grip and rub at my wrist while hearing my mother "This is what's gonna happen we are going to go home and you and James are gonna get married and that's that do you understand me" she said

I looked up at my mother like she was crazy and I tilt my head to the side "You want me to marry this bastard you got to be kidding me right you think I'm that fucking stupid plus I'm already getting married to HAYDEN CARTER so no I'm not marrying this bastard of a man" I said

my mother and father looked at me with some much surprise and shock on their face I mean yes this is my first time speaking up to my parents in years I was just afraid to but not anymore I had enough of this shit

My mother grabbed me by my bruised wrist and we all walked out to the balcony she let go of my wrist and she looked at me with so much hatred she walks up to me and raised her hand and slapped the taste right out my mouth I held my cheek tasting blood while looking towards her spitting the blood out my mouth and she speaks up and says "everything me and your father did for your ungrateful ass and this is how your fucking treat us NO YOUR GONNA MARRY JAMES if your living under my roof do you understand me"

"I'll just get my stuff and stay with Michelle's family at-least I know that I'm welcome there than at my own fucking home and my PARENTS THAT TREAT ME LIKE SHIT AND NEVER ACTUALLY TOOK CARE OF ME," I said

I walk up to James and slapped the shit out of him feeling my hot tears slide down my cheek "I hope you all rot in hell" I said

I walk up towards the edge of the balcony while hearing the door open and closing while sighing heavily I feel a strong grip on my shoulder and I turn around and look James up and down while saying "W-what do you want James leave me the fuck alone were done ok I'm not fucking marrying you"

he pulls his blade out and cut down the middle of my boobs ripping the nicely designed dress that I loved he looks my body up and down and he wraps both of his hands around my neck and squeeze tightly around my neck

"No bitch you're not leaving me it's you and me forever," he said while my vision started to get blurry and my air tube started to close up trying to get as much h20 as I can while my tearing kept seeping nonstop

so what do y'all think about my new chapter more energy and drama I LOVE ME SOME DRAMA IM UP FOR ALL THE DRAMA BUT ANYWAYS LOVE YALL STAY SAFE BABES XOXO

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now