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A few Minutes Later

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A few Minutes Later

I walk over to the alcohol bar and ask the bartender for two glasses of wine while waiting I watch my best friend walk up to me I roll my eyes and sigh heavily

"heyy don where's our future donna at ??" he said while smirking I shrugged my shoulders turned around grabbed the two wine glasses slapped down a 20-dollar bill and Elijah walked towards the center of the ballroom where Gisselle last was spotted

I look around the ballroom tryna scan through everybody while mumbling "fuck where the fuck did she go" while I'm closing my eyes breathing in and out slowly tryna calm myself down

"dude chill out me and you both know she's around here somewhere safe OK just breathe man," he said as I slowly calmed my nerves down while chugging down both of the glasses of wine and sitting the glasses on the tray

I walk towards some important people and start chatting and talking to them about my investment and my charity work while Elijah standing right behind a few minutes pass by and I'm talking to more important people about my stocks

I walked away towards the bar and ordered a vodka on rocks while looking at Elijah "Have you seen her yet" I said he looked at me "nah still no sign of Donna" he said

I grab my glass of vodka and slap another 20 dollars down while sipping on my vodka while thinking hard about where she could be or where she has been or who's she with fuck I chug down my drink and walk away from the bar with Elijah right behind me

I hear him say "Don where the hell are you going" I turn around and look at him while continuing to walk straight I say "I'm going to go look for my wife what else" Before I knew it I accidentally bumped into a women

I looked at her and she looked at me with worry and nervousness in her eyes she spoke up and said "Um my bad sir but do you know anybody named Hayden Carter" I wide my eyes and looked at her "Who's asking" I said as she looks at me with the biggest smile on her face and she grabs my arm and pulled me to the side and look me in my eyes

"well I'm Gisselle Friend and I support you two getting married but anyways she told me to tell you she's with her parents and I need you to take care of her OK she has been through so much are ready," she said

I nodded my head and walked away from her and saw Elijah take a couple of glimpses of Michelle but I just shrugged my shoulders and decided to worry more about my future wife

I walked towards the end of the ballroom and watched some random dude grab my wife by her wrist and for some odd reason they started yelling at each other I watched her tear up making my heartbreak and crack into a thousand pieces I wanted to walk up to this random dude shot a bullet through his skull

I watched her parents look shocked with surprised expressions on their faces while whatever my future Donna said to her mother pissed her off because she grabbed her roughly by her wrist and walked out towards the balcony

I patiently waited till the parents walks back into the ballroom once they did I looked them over with complete anger and disgust I walked up to them "DON'T EVER COME NEAR MY WIFE EVER AGAIN DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND ME" I said while they looked at me while smiling and laughing

I look them over and say "What's so fucking funny" They looked at each other then they looked at me and the mother decided to speak up and say "Well her ex-boyfriend is other there with her right now as we speak" They walk away laughing

I saw nothing but red I turned around and looked at Elijah and I say "Call all my men in NOW" he looks at me with a worried expression but proceeded on I walk out towards the balcony and watch this random ass dude hand his fucking hands around my future donna neck when I tell myself and I this I might have thought I went crazy but I did

I saw red and nothing but red and I heard him say "No bitch you're not leaving me it's you and me forever" I walked up to him and yanked him off of her and started punching the living shit out of him sending the punches directly to his face and I kept going nonstop while breathing heavily

I heard her voice crack and I heard her say "H-Hayden stop You gonna kill him" she said I turned around and looked at her now dried-up face and bruised neck and I walked up towards her and helped her off the ground and slid my suit jacket off and slide it on her shoulder (I don't know what it is called leave me alone k)

she stumbled over almost falling but I decided to carry her bridal style and my men all walked out onto the balcony while looking at the dude on the floor and then at me,

I raised my eyebrow walked towards the unconscious man on the floor kicked him on the stomach walked towards Elijah and whispered into his ear

"Take care of him and make sure his still alive for me OK" I spoke he nodded his head and I walked into the ballroom walked towards the ballroom exit walk out of the exit walk up towards my car and put her down in the passenger seat and buckle her in and walk over to the driver seat and get on and drive her to my house while sighing while griping onto the stirring wheel while mumbling "fucking stupid bastard is most definitely gonna pay for what he's done"


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now