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After my men left we all drove to the warehouse while Elijah rode with my men in 4 separate cars we all pulled up to the warehouse and stepped out of the car

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After my men left we all drove to the warehouse while Elijah rode with my men in 4 separate cars we all pulled up to the warehouse and stepped out of the car

I walked up to the warehouse door with my men behind me we walked into the warehouse and walked straight to the back of the warehouse and once we walked into the back I saw the random from last night tied up to a chair while blood dripping out his mouth

I smirked and slid my suit jacket off walked up to him pulled a chair in front of him and sat down right in front of him he opened his eyes slowly and looked around the warehouse while his eyes landed on me he looked like he wanted to scream for help

I smiled at him and said "So who the fuck told you can put your hands on somebody else's belongs huh" he looked at me like I was crazy and started laughing while leaning his head back and he looked back at me and said "I knew Gisselle more then you what makes you think she belongs to you huh she knows where home is fuck out my face" he said while smiling

I sighed heavily and got up and walked over to the knives and hammers and more things laid out on the table for my amusement

I smiled and picked up two knives walked back over to him sat back down and looked at him while saying "So tell me what made you wanna marry Gisselle?"

he look at me "Her parents wanted me to marry her shit and I was gonna go along with it me and Gisselle are together forever I know that and she knows that and she knows she wants me so where the fuck is she at huh GISSELLE COME OUT I KNOW YOU WANT ME BITCH" he said

I looked at him and plunged the two knives into each one of his legs hearing him screaming and crying in pain

I heard my phone ring and I grabbed the phone out of my pants pocket I looked at Elijah and nodded my head at him while saying "Take care of him for me" he nodded and walked towards James and I walked out of the warehouse with a smile on my face and look down at the caller id and swipe the green button right and put the phone to my ear and say "hello my Bellissima principessa" (beautiful princess)

I hear sniffing and mumbling I pull the phone away from my ear walk up to my car hop in my car and drive off towards my house send Elijah a quick text telling him I'm heading home I slide my phone back in my pocket and pull up in my driveway and get out my car while walking up towards the cracked open door

I pull my gun out while walking into the house and looking around the house until my eyes land on two females sitting on the couch chatting away

I slide my gun back into my waistband so I decided to make myself known while clearing my throat both of there head towards me and I roll my eyes watching my ex-girlfriend I broke up with 2 decades ago she doesn't understand I don't want her any more fuck she walks up to me while smiling

she looked at me while saying "Hey baby who is this woman in your house I tried to make her leave but she kept saying you are her husband but I know that's not true because I'm your future wife" She looked at me while licking her lips

I look over at her push past Olivia walk over to her and sit down next to her while pulling her onto my lap grabbing her face and making her look me in the eyes "What did you do today" I said

she looks me in my eyes "I didn't do anything, to be honest how about you" she says while looking me up and down "Well I didn't do anything today just handle some work and other stuff" I said

"hold the fuck up you married her instead of me you got to me fucking kidding me you married this ugly black bitch instead of me wow you went that low I thought you loved me Hayden all them years you told me you loved me was that a lie" Olivia says while tearing up

I sighed heavily while closing my eyes while leaning my head back while sliding my hand down my face "Who the fuck you calling ugly huh" she said while standing up from my lap with her arms folded with a mean mug on her face I almost bust out laughing

she walked up closer to Olivia standing face to face with her "You heard exactly what the fuck I said bitch you don't deserve him I do I should be the future do not you" Olivia said while shoving Gisselle back

I stood up feeling frustrated and annoyed "Olivia get the fuck out of my house I like mother fuckers disrespecting my wife in front of me," I say

she turned her gaze towards me with a confused expression written on her face "Hayden you kidding right you don't want me to leave right" Olivia said walking up to me with tears in her eyes


I watch two of my guards walk up to Olivia grab both of her arms and pull her out of the living room "YOU MOST DEFINITELY WILL REGRET THIS GISSELLE I WILL MAKE YOU PAY" Olivia said while being thrown out my house

I smirk while sitting back down on the couch I look up at Gisselle and look over her face "Come here baby" I say she turns around and walks over to me I pull her onto my lap and wrap my arms around her "I will protect you no matter what ok so don't worry too much" I said

"thank you really," she said while closing her eyes

Drama in the next chapter or what find out make sure you stay updated

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now