Hey Sexy Lady

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Hey Sexy Lady

That same evening, Lucy sat in Anna's Cafe, a new coffee shop that has recently been built. The place had an old feeling to it, with it's fake inlined bricks in random areas on top of the paint, and the mismatched, wooden tables and chairs.
"More coffee?" a waitress came up to her, carrying a pot of coffee in her hand.
Lucy shook her head. "No thanks, I'm okay."
The waitress left, and Lucy turned back to her sketchpad. Ever since the whole "A mess" started, Lucy hadn't had much time to sketch. Currently, she was working on a drawing of a living room with a big fish tank, couch, armchair, and brick lined fireplace. Just looking at the drawing gave Lucy a tranquil, calming feeling, and made her feel peaceful. If only she could really go there.
Her phone buzzed. She picked it up- it had been laying facedown on the table- and saw she had one new text message. The sender was invalid. Oh god. Slowly, Lucy typed in the passcode, fearing what the note would say. She looked around the coffee shop. There was nobody in there that she knew, and no one was paying attention to her. An uptight, business looking woman sat at a table by the window, her eyes fixed on her laptop, her hands clicking the keys. Two teenage boys Lucy didn't recognize were goofing off in the corner, over by the bathrooms. Lucy turned her attention back to her phone. She clicked on her messaging app. And there it was.

Want more info about your love? Consider this a freebie.
Caracallie@gmail.com - A

Lucy's hands froze. Cara. But this had to be a trick, right? Last night, she had looked up Cara's Instagram, but never confirmed if it was her or not, as her profile picture was a flower, and her account was set on private. Lucy didn't dare request to follow her. She had considered making a fake Instagram, but then stopped herself. She wasn't that crazy. A was probably hoping she'd do it, and would do something. Why else would A have readily given her the information at no charge?
But an email. Her mind twisted. Could she? Lucy opened her Safari app and typed in Google into the search bar. Then, before she could stop herself, she clicked the Create a New Account button. In the first name box she typed Kyle, and the last name Abromowitz. She made her email Kylethebro@gmail.com. After Google had verified her account, she went to her inbox. It was empty, since she had just created the account a minute ago. She clicked on the new email button and typed in the address Caracallie@gmail.com. She composed a new message as:

Dear Cara,

I know you don't me, but I couldn't help but notice you the other day. How your eyes sparkle, and how your soft brown hair goes down your back. I just wanted you to know that

- Kyle

And then, before she lost her nerve, she hit send.

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