The Perfect Time For A Get-Away

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The Perfect Time For A Get-Away

Shay sat on the couch, mindlessly petting her cat, Ziggy, and liking random Facebook posts. Ever since her panic attack, Emily hadn't let her out of the house, and made sure school officials watched her closely.
The front doorknob raddled. Shay jerked her head to the right. Emily stepped in, looking happy instead of frazzled, as she usually did when she came home from work.
"Someone looks happy," Shay commented.
Emily smiled. "Guess what? At work today, I just won a trip."
Shay frowned. "A business trip?" That didn't sound very exciting at all.
Emily shook her head. "Nope. This one's for pleasure. The head swim coach of Pennsylvania said I was one of the best swim coaches in the country. Me, you, and Isaac are going to The Bermuda Islands."
This trip suddenly sounded exciting. Shay threw down her cell, and leapt off the couch. "When, Mommy, when?" she cried out, excitedly. She'd wanted to go to The Bermuda Islands forever, and she didn't even care that she was saying "Mommy".
Emily giggled. "We'll leave next Friday, and come back the following Thursday."
Shay smiled. This day had gone from boring, to totally exciting.
Ziggy hopped off the couch, meowed, and wandered into the kitchen.
Shay scooped her phone up from off the couch, and retired to her room. She plopped down on her desk chair and started to type a text out to Sasha. She told her about her trip to The Bermuda Islands. She wasn't quite sure why, but for some reason, she wanted Sasha to know.
She looked at herself in the mirror, and smiled. Not only was she going to the island of her dreams, she was also getting away from A.

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