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Arlane's heart was thrashing wildly. 

So much so she was sure the entirety of Vewllewe could hear how her breaths were getting sharper, and the sound of her beating heart might as well be resonating through the metal clangs that called her towards the lake. 

Her Ilaya followed her as a strict crew. Behind her stood her Moteh and Pare in long yellow robes that caressed the grass as their barefoot steps marked the soil. Preceding them walked Lydia, her Zesten, Yosaen, and Polimethus, second-in-command to her father, leading the Western legion. Polimetus was five years younger than Arlane's Pare, yet his permanent scowl matched Lennox and his white-grey hair made the man look as intimidating as the First in command.

Behind them, Penelope and Rethaya walked with a bubbling little Kenna holding both their hands, and finally nine soldiers in rows of three with large fire spears in their hands, moving in sharp and alert movements.

It was embedded in their nature to protect the bride of the ceremony with their last breaths. 

Arlane's long veil hid nothing. Not the spring in her friend's steps that made her smile internally, not the resolve of her parents who proudly followed their daughter in the new chapter of her life, and not the vigilant stance of her soldiers. 

This was really happening. 

Five out of seven horns were already blown from the other side of the lake where Hejaz was now entering with his troop. Though not far away, the fog surrounding the lake made it difficult to see his Ilaya from this distance, yet the fire between the mist burned with clear resolve. 

She was getting married, good lords above. She was about to marry the love of her life.

With every step she took, moments between her and Hejaz replayed in her mind.

"I apologize," he said with glass shards on the tip of his boots and scratched the twirls of his braids in a nervous gesture. "What can I do to repay you for the damages suffered by me?"

"Would you mind, if..."

"If?" Arlane asked curiously after ignoring the commander for two weeks straight. She was smiling internally, but he didn't need to know. 

"I can't help but ask if you are betrothed or given?"

"Given, you say?" She sipped her coffee looking at the red coating his cheeks.

"Does your heart belong to anyone?" 

She hummed mischievously, "Only to caffeine." It had been long since Arlane teased anyone outside her circle. She'd transformed into her Nuan for a while. Serious, and quiet. Always contemplating something.

"Then I should shower you with caffeine for the rest of my life." That time, Arlane smiled without hesitation. She let the commander see through her.

"May I?" Hejaz and Arlane had sneaked out from their offices that day. She had two reports to submit and Hejaz had sentinels to check upon. But science and humans could wait, especially when they'd waited for five months to taste each other. Patience was her strongest suit, yet when his lips were so close to her at the brink of twilight, she wanted to drown herself in his scent.


Another horn blew. Sixth. 

The queue behind her stopped, and for a moment Arlane forgot to breathe. 

Rethaya had lived twenty-seven years of her life venturing to places and continents. She'd witnessed enough miracles in her early teens, after all her continent was known to be the richest and largest hub of trade and spices. But nothing had prepared her for the sight that lay in front of her. 

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