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"By whom?"I asked the man in front of me starting to panic realising that this man is serious right now.
"MR. D'ANGELO."he answered with a straight face but to come think of it he looks fucked himself.

This is just cal pranking me.

But he looks...serious right now.

Fuck no.

Oh my gud,oh my gud!!!what am i going to do,what did i do,fuck,fuck,fuck first day at my job i already have to face the boss him self,where is Cal,where is Ma-
"Girl you have to hurry up,and go to the 3rd privet room,right now."Mama in unexpectedly came out of no were looking so paranoid,exhausted and sweaty like she came running."but...but I didn't do anything wrong Mama,come o-"i said looking so anxious.

"I know my love...it's what the boss what's,and please do whatever he says or I will have to pay for your mistakes,please honey go without drawing attention...am sorry."Mama tried to plead with me."but he doesn't rape  right...?"I asked I needed to know what am facing."oh no dear I don't...think he will do that..."Mama said hesitantly.

"Ehh, can I escort you now?"the guy asked....oh the guy is still here.
"Y...yes."I said."Wait"Mama said,"cover her "he handed the guy a cloth to cover my eyes slowly adjusting it to my face.
okay now am scared i thought as we pushed through the dancing crowed,loud music until we reached this certain stop,he knocked just lightly and i heard a deep thick voice say "si".

I heard the door swing open,it felt so dark,even though i didn't see i could feel some eyes on me. I am being led to...wait what the fuck is this,the guy motioned my hand to touch something,something long,cold,thick,metal that's when I realised this boss wants me to strip...haha really now,he fucken left this whole club full of strippers,for a bartender to strip,this is indeed a sick person. I just heard the door click,guess that punk left me.

"Dance.he coldly said...deepest voice on EARTH.,i know am scared right now but damn whoever's voice is DAMN.



."Italian accent(check.)




"Deaf perhaps?" He asked with an deep Italian accent.

Silence again.

I heard some foot steps coming my way...wait my way ain't no way.

"Um...sir i don't know how to dance."I said.
And they stoped...I tried to sound confident and less shuttering. What is he thinking,raping me,killing me because as far as I now he kills for a livin-

"Dance,I said."I heard the deadpinned  voice.
What am i going to...wait
"I can sing,Mommy shark dodudododudo Momm-"i sang fast,i mean love the song don't you.

"Shut the fuck up."

Now am fucked.

The foot steps continued but why are they taking so long,they are going more to the left,wait let me take a peak. I removed the cloth slowly from my eyes,the room is dark but has on small source of light that is next to the long couch,and I am on a small stage the huge,tall guy is there at the mini bar his huge back facing me,he kinda fills this room with his shadow,this is one hell of a expensive looking room.


why am i even tolerating this I mean i pay my tax and i have my rights and besides i didn't do anything wrong...ayy,man fuck it am out of here.

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