chapter 25

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Pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky, the occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night.

Lia is now sitting in front of her house door, she had move out from Greda's house to her new home, after what happened between them, she just don't feel like wanted to stays beside Greda right now.

So the main reason she is now sitting on the ground like a homeless people is because...she left her door key at Greda's place.


She took out a cigarette from her pocket, the small flame from lighter light up the cigarette that fixed between her fingers, her palm faced down and she quietly observed the smoke emitted.

She never smoke, rather, she likes to watch the smoke drift in the air. Her mind started to relax, until a flash of car light shine on her face.

An elegant lady coming down from the car, her heels made a clacking sounds as she walk through the road, she stops in front of Lia, a hand with black gloves gently lift her chin up, making their eyes contact with each other.

"Get into the car, let's have a talk."

It is a windy night, cold breeze swept through Lia's hair, knocking it onto her face, her body shivered, she turned her head to the other side while refused to give Greda an answer.

Greda brushed the hair away from Lia's face and pin it behind her ear, she remove her coat, covered it on Lia's body and crouch down, make sure that Lia could see her face while talking.

"I'm sorry for not considering your feeling, that won't happen again." 

"No need to apologize, it's my fault for failing to control emotions."

Her voice shaken a bit since she couldn't get used of this kind of distance between them. Greda's body lean forward slightly as she crouch down, she could felt her warm breath when she speaks. Her heart raced in silent terror, sending boiled blood to her head, she lower her head to hide her blushed face while lightly tap on the cigarette to flick off the ashes.

"You smoke?" Asked Greda with a cold tone, as she slightly frowned.

"Why do you care." She knew Greda didn't like people to smoke around her, since it's bad for health, she also banned her from smoking.

Greda's expression darkened, she took the cigarette from her and grind it on the ground. Lia's shoulder stiffened as she could felt the angry aura coming from Greda, she weakly explain, "trust me or not, I didn't smoke."

Suddenly, a cold hand grab the back of her neck, forcibly pulled her head closer to her, she looked at Greda with a confused face.

"Then, shall we check?" Said Greda, as she pressed her lips on hers, her tongue slip inside, deepening the kiss. Heat roses on Lia's cheek and she lost her breath for a second.

She couldn't think of anything as the kiss grew more intense, just when she was out of breath, the tongue traced across the bottom of her lip before leaving her mouth. She looked at Greda in disbelief while panting slightly.

"Taste like you didn't smoke."

Greda stands up while grabbing Lia's wrist.

"Into the car, now."

Lia sit still in shock, ignoring Greda's word.


She didn't get it at first, her brain still bombarded by the kiss just now, so she lifted her head and look at Greda in confusion.


She finally understand her countdown and quickly willing to stand up, unfortunately, her legs were numb due to a long time sitting on hard ground, she stumbled a bit while getting up.



"Too late." Greda smile coldly, she lifted her up in arms and carry her into her car, Lia knew that she's gonna be dead when she heard the sound of car door locking.


‘Why is this happening...’ Lia mumbled to herself as she craned her neck back to stare up at the face of the gorgeous lady in front of her, the rustling sound coming from the chain on her neck keeps echoed in this dark room, she put her hand on her knees while kneeling, showing her obedience to the one that holds the end of the chain.

Greda glance at her lazily with her legs crossed while sitting on the chair, she lifted her hand and pulled the chain lightly, making Lia lean forward and slightly bend down under her feet.

"What should you do after offended me, Lia." Whispered Greda besides Lia's ears.

"I apologise for my rudeness." Lia bite down her lips, tears flowing in her eyes which makes her seems more pitiful, but Greda smile merciless at her and asked, "then, shall we begin the punishment?"

Her eyes widened in excitement from Greda's commanding tone, she can felt Greda steps on her shoulder, forcibly makes her bend down with her head touching the ground, a hand pulled her trousers down along with her underwear.

The sound of leather whip cracked through the air while Greda testing it reached her ears, she felt the tip of the whip placed on her bare bottom, as if the person holding it is telling her to get ready.

Not long after, the whip swept through the air, she gets her first hit.


Her body shivered from the sudden pain, she gasped silently, waiting for the next hit.

The sound of the whip cracking through the air echoed in the room non stopping for a while, just when the red welts finally covered all over her bottom, Greda drops her whip, she lean down and placed her hand on her burning ass, making Lia flinched.

The hand slowly moving down, she deepened her fingers in between the legs. Feeling the wetness on her fingers, she smirked. She leaned her head to Lia's ears and whispered "secretly enjoying it?"

Lia flushed, she stay silent for a moment in embarrassment, then suddenly, her body is being lifted up in arms and she is placed on the bed.

"Everything you have, whether it's life or glory, belongs to me, you should live and die only for me, Lia, you don't need to looked at others."

She pinned Lia down on bed and said sternly, Lia looked at her in surprised, she never thought Greda would have such possession on her.

"And I never give you permission to leave my side, if there is a next time......" She sneered coldly with a chill.

"I will build a palace in the middle of the lake just for you. It is surrounded by water and heavily guarded. No one can enter or leave except me. And you will stay in it forever for the rest of your life. "

"I'll also buy a pure gold chain for you to lock you up, you probably don't wish for such a day, don't you?"

"So, be obedient, I'll never let anyone harm you, trust me."

Lia didn't get scared by her crazy words, rather, she felt satisfaction from the bottom of her heart.

"Then, I want you to looked only at me, let alone Valencia or Yuria, I don't want anybody to enter our relationship. You... really love me.... right?" Asked Lia, while staring at Greda in insecure.

Greda smile like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room, she pressed her lips gently on hers for the answer of this question.

"Of course."

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