I glanced out the window at the slowly setting sun. Nothing had been right lately, life was a complete mess.
It was chaotic, like a ship caught in a massive storm. Like a fly wriggling in a spider's web. Like a xenophobic in a crowd of the whole world. Like a cat in a dog pound.
And it was also odd, like people doing a zebra circus to please their ant gods. Like a dog that meowed. Like a rainbow without orange. Like a breadstick without butter.
And it was lonely, like a yam in a sack of potatoes. Like a rose in a garden of thorns. Like a puddle in the dry heat of the desert. Like a tomato that's not quite sauce. Like a banana without a peel. Like a book without a title. Like a peach without fuzz. Like water without melon. Like hop without scotch. Like an ink blot on a blank page. Like a halo without an angel. Like a pop without corn. Like a world without the sun. Like a flower without petals. Like scissors without paper. Like toe without a foot. Or a foot without a sock. Or a sock without a shoe. Or a shoe without laces. Like rain without a cloud. Like a pencil without ban eraser. Like a toilet without paper. Like a finger without a hand. And a hand without an arm. And an arm without a sleeve. Like a man without a wife.
I got up quickly, knowing what I must do. I quickly changed into my most inducing outfit and ran outside. I began my mating call while rolling a potato across my flesh.
"Awwggggkkkk," I sang loudly, hearing it echo into the forest. "Ohhhh how the pineapple thirsts for the banana!!!"
"How I just want you in me now!!!!"
Suddenly, a man came out of the depths occulty. I stared at him in awe from the top of his head to his voluptuous leg hair. He walked smoothly towards me and I could tell he was a mahout.
He kissed me and we loudly sang out our paean. He then carried me to his flying elephant and we rode it back to his abode.
We stepped swiftly into his dark lair and succumbed to each other. We let our desires take control and our love entwined harmoniously into the dark midnight air.
After that invigorating night we continued our lives together, our love consuming us keeping us happy forevermore.
"You are enough. You are so enough, it's unbelievable how enough you are."
-Sierra Boggess