Sleepy Heads ❀

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Mae-In secretly glanced at the figure sitting on the bed from the corner of the room.

The Crown Prince was sitting on the bed, reading a book while she, sat looking at the starry night in one corner of the room. He had brought piles of books, brushes and parchment with him for some reason and Mae-In had the idea of what he was planning as much as she had the idea of whatever language those books held.

She had been pushed into this awkward situation by Tae-Sak and Court Lady Jin-Hee and somehow had managed to get so far. So there she sat, looking at the night sky to lessen the awkwardness between the Crown Prince and her. The Crown Prince didn't mind the lack of communication between them as he was most likely to spend time by himself.

But he couldn't help but glance at the girl sitting beside the window, staring into the night. The night breezes were still cold and she shivered.

Once again, he looked up from his book to check on her. She too was looking at him. Meeting his gaze, she quickly turned her head and stared at the night sky again.

"One last time I am asking you this: why won't you move away from the window? What are you looking at anyway?" the Crown Prince's voice cut in through the silence.

"I like star gazing. And I am enjoying the breeze!" Mae-In answered slowly, shivering.
"The night breezes are cold. You may catch a cold," he said.

Mae-In turned to him.
"What do you exactly want me to do?" she asked, looking away in frustration.

"Come and sit here."
Mae-In's shock reflected upon her face. "What do you mean? I am not going anywhere!" she flushed.

"Why? Are you afraid of me?" the Crown Prince asked. "N-no! Why would I be afraid of you?" she asked.

"Come and sit here, then. I am not asking you to do anything more," he said.

Mae-In got up and slowly, cautiously, walked over to the Crown Prince.

"Now what?" asked Mae-In. The Crown Prince got up from the bed and walked away to the mahogany desk in the room. "Sleep. You look tired," he responded, putting his pile of books on the desk. "What about you?" Mae-In asked. "I won't sleep. I have a lot of assignments to complete. Master Jaeun isn't exactly nice when I don't submit my work on time."
"It's not a big deal for me, I don't usually sleep at night and Master Jaeun is one of my tutors," he added, looking at Mae-In's clueless face.

Mae-In continued to stare at him as he sat down to work. "But... you need rest!" she said. He sat down and started scribbling on a parchment. He looked less bothered about her or sleep. He glanced at her after a while. "You are still standing there? If you don't want to sleep, you can continue star gazing. I don't want to sleep so I thought I'd leave the bed to you. It's your choice now." he concentrated on his work again.

"Fine!" Mae-In lay down on the bed. She glanced at the Crown Prince again before pulling the blankets over her.

But for some reason, her mind kept averting to the working Crown Prince.


Mae-In suddenly shot up and sat on the bed. The room was dimly lit and by her dazedness, she assumed that she had fallen asleep for a short while. She glanced at the Crown Prince. He had his head in his hands and his neat paperwork was lying beside him.

"Your Highness... this is the last time I am telling you to rest!" Mae-In threatened. "If you don't listen to me this time, I willㅡ I will scream like how I did that night!"

He didn't answer and neither did he move.

"Your Highness! I'm telling you..." she slowly walked towards him. He still had no response to her. "Your Highness?" she called to him softly.

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