Chapter 3

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"The Norns have spoken with him every night so far." Pepper murmured quietly as she led a woman towards Perseus' room. "We can barely get him to eat his food."

"It is to be expected." The woman said in a soft tone, her dark blue dress swaying gently around her ankles and above seashell-lined sandals. "He has always been one of their favorites."

The CEO looked over curiously, a tilt to her mouth as she wondered. "How does one... I heard the Norns are the ones that decide... Everything. How does one become their favorite?"

She inclined her head slightly, her smile soft. "Your delicacy in these matters is appreciated. Perseus has led a.. Rough life. He has seen more than even some of our elders on Asgard. Despite the heartbreak and the tragedy, he always remained kind, caring. He never disregarded the Norns and what they had to say. To him, their word is law. He's never once cursed their decision. If he chose to now, I know that they would forgive him."

"I wouldn't blame him." Pepper said softly. "If Tony..." She shook her head. "Ol- I mean, Perseus is just in this room. We just finished serving him lunch. He managed a few spoons of soup, so today is a good day."

"That is tremendous news." The woman smiled with a bit of relief. Her hands trembled as she smoothed out her skirt and fixed a bit of her brown hair that had fallen out of her bun. "Sometimes I..." She cleared her throat, stilling her hands with what seemed like pure force of will. "I think I will see him now. Thank you, Miss Potts, for everything."

Pepper inclined her head at the older woman, closing her eyes for a moment against the emotion swelling within her. "My pleasure." With that, she went back over to where she knew Rhodey was waiting for her with a mug of tea and an ear to lend. With Tony more and more busy lately, understandably, it was down to Pepper and Rhodey to watch over the compound and the billionaire's surrogate father. It wasn't a bother, however, because the silly old man grew on them when he had moments between the shattering of his heart.

When the corridor was clear and no one was around, the woman took in a breath, releasing it shakily. She smoothed down the few wrinkles in her dress, her hands the only things betraying her feelings. Knocking gently on the door, she waited for a moment, knowing, from what Pepper described, that she wouldn't receive an answer. Still, she stayed the appropriate amount before stepping through.

Perseus was thin, not alarmingly so but enough that it was beginning to become a concern. His hair, once fluffy and swaying with the sea breeze, was limp and falling over his face as it grew in tangled waves. His skin was pale, not having seen the sun in weeks, and his eyes glowed white as the Norns conversed with him again. Perhaps it wasn't even the Norns. Perhaps it was some otherworldly being that decided to reach out to the god. Whatever it was, the woman was thankful for them for she knew that they contacted him when his mind whispered sorrow to his heart.

"My baby..." The woman breathed out softly, the words stolen from her lungs as she placed a hand over her chest. "Oh, my baby boy!" She ran over, cupping his face in her hands, running her thumbs gently under his eyes. "My baby boy!"

"Mother?" Perseus looked up in confusion before his eyes filled with tears, heaving sobs suddenly leaving him. "Momma, I lost him! I lost my Loki!"   

"I know," Sally tried to soothe, running a hand through his thick hair. She held him as he wailed, heartbroken cries being ripped from his chest as his body shook with the power of an Angasiiar snapped in half. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I'm here now, I'm not going to leave you."

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