Chapter VI - Mass

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I was sat in one of the church's many libraries attempting to get a signal on my now cracked phone. Judging by the fact I couldn't get anything, I assumed that I wasn't even close with the coordinates I had been following, and that the ghouls cast a wide net when it comes to their guard duties.

The library had seemingly endless books, spanning rows and rows of shelves. Half of the books I looked at I had never even heard of or was too lazy to read. The Communist Manifesto. Nice. The Necronomicon. This place never ceases to suprise me.

As the sun lowered, shining beautifully through the stained glass window, I heard the creak of the library doors open and the clicking of stiletto heels on the tile. I came out from one of the rows of shelves and came face with an older woman with white hair. She gave me a warm, motherly smile and shook my hand.

"Hello, Nicholas I presume?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Lovely to meet you; my name is Sister Imperator. Papa asked me to show you the way to mass." She turned on her heels and began leading the way. I struggled to catch up to her with my limp, as she walked oddly fast for a woman her age.

Her hair was tied up in a neat low bun, very much like my grandmother, but she exuded this air of confidence and youth like she was my age.

We had to exit the main building of the church to reach the Worship Hall. I couldn't help marveling at the huge, dark stone church. It reminded me of a castle you'd see in a classic horror film, with endless towers that ended in points and balconies with sharp edged fences. Sister led me down a cobble pathway where we eventually merged pathways with a crowd filing into the church. It was hard to tell where all these people were coming from, but clearly whatever religion they were practicing had a ton of followers.

Once inside, I decided to sit near the back where it was less crowded. Sister made her way to the front of the auditorium to sit with some younger ladies dressed similarly to her. Blue blazer, pencil skirt, low bun. I tapped my non-injured foot, the suspense of what this service was going to be eating at me from the inside. I was raised Catholic and this seemed fairly similar, minus the masks and face paint.

Eventually, the lights dimmed and everybody found their seats. The ghouls all filed onstage in height order, followed by Copia, now in an extravagant papal robe. He took his place behind the pulpit. He cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Good evening, my brothers and sisters. Let us begin the prayer." He turned to a page in the book on the pulpit like he had done it a million times before. Everybody bowed their heads, me following suit, and spoke with him as Papa began to read. "Siamo con clavi, siamo con Dio, siamo con il nostro Dio scuro."

Was that Italian? Maybe Latin? I'll have to ask later.

The lights onstage went down as Papa and the ghouls exited. I assumed the service was over, until I caught a glimpse of the ghouls reentering stage, now holding something...shiny? The audience began to whisper and some people gathered near the front of the stage in the pit. I was confused until I heard the rumbling of a bass guitar.

The audience went wild, standing up and jumping around in the aisles. The lights came up and the ghouls were all onstage, some on raised platforms and playing instruments. When Copia entered, everybody screamed. He was out of his robe, now wearing a blue sequins jacket and holding a microphone. He stalked onstage, crouching close to those in the pit.

"Believe in one God, do we," he sang, in a hushed tone. "Satan almighty..."

Oh. Shit.

His voice was even smoother than it was when he spoke. He seemed so much more confident, mounting his foot on a speaker and signing to the audience. The song was reminiscent of a hair band in the 70s or 80s, complete with a synth and gratuitous guitar solo, but the lyrics made it all too clear what this church was. I was in a satanist church. I can't say I was upset or worried, just more shocked. When you grow up the way I did you're told satanists are all lunatics that want to send you to hell, but these people were so friendly. I guess I would have to power through and get used to it.

"Hear Our Satan Prayer, Our Anti Nicene Creed. Hear Our Satan Prayer, For The Coming Of Seed."

The ghouls were clearly extremely talented and worked amazing together. Sodo and Rain watched eachothers hands as they played, giving eachother comical nods of approval. The song ended as the guitar faded out. Copia and the ghouls lined up onstage, giving a group bow. That's it? Damn.

The house lights came back up when they exited, and the audience erupted into chatter. That was sure as hell cooler than any other church service I've been to.

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