Thomas as a Cg

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Pairing: Cg!Thomas Hewitt × Little!Reader

Contains: Littlespace, CG/L dynamics, honorifics (daddy) used, fluff

• Thomas would definitely need a lot of guidance but I think once he understands what being in a
CG/L dynamic entails he'll be amazing

•I also think he is a very soft, yet firm, daddy and he tends to be a bit laid back and will prefer timeouts to spankings because he doesn't want to hurt you

• He loves using his size against you. Are you doing something you know you're not supposed too?

•Well now you're not on the ground and being carried away from the place you're not supposed to be in by Tommy

•After Thomas is able to navigate you being his little he definitely has a nice little corner in his room where you can safely play and hang out while regressed

• It will be a while before Thomas will let his family know but they'll probably find out when you panic regress after a super stressful "guest" causes you to have an impure regression

• Hoyt made a comment one time, and it was the only time Tommy ever stood up to him

• "The hell you think you're doing, Tommy?" He screams at the large man towering over him before Thomas lifts him off the ground and shakes him a bit

• He didn't hurt him but the message that he could got through Hoyt's thick skull

• Luda Mae just treats you like her daughter, she always has, she doesn't care about your dynamic as long as y'all are happy even if she doesn't understand it.

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