Poly!Ghostface finding out reader is an ageregressor

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Cg!Billy Loomis × little!Reader × Cg!Stu Matcher

I made this headcannons so it's like an overview

Contains: fluff, Littlespace, Cg/I dynamics

• When they first find out you're a regressor they do need some time, you thought it was to process everything, but in reality they were learning about
CG/I to take care of you

• Stu and Billy are total opposites when it comes to their Caregiver styles

• Stu is such a softie he could never, ever punish you, he gives in when you're being bratty, and he spoils the fuck out of you

•Billy however is much stricter, if you're being a brat he will put you in your place, expect to be writing lines and sitting in timeout, Billy also doesn't spoil, he rewards

• Because of this Stu will always try to get you out of your punishments but Billy (usually) holds firm

• Billy loves picking you out cute outfits to wear and dressing you up to show you off, Stu likes to buy the outfits

• Definitely have a sticker chart for you so they can actively reward you

•They're both so clingy and cuddly it's amazing

•They love, love, looove doing activities with you.
Craft sets, coloring, finger painting, building toys, you name it

•They both keep an eye on how much you eat and drink and will remind you if you start to fall behind

•They're super attentive, they give you as much attention as they possibly can

• Stu buys you as many stuffed animals he can find, he loves it

•They also love taking you to little events when they find one

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