Love Through the Ages: Ikarishipping

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Surrendering myself to the pull of gravity I fell with a whump onto my plushy bed that my mom had lovingly prepared for me. Two years had passed since I came back home for the holidays, which I felt a little bad about to be honest after seeing how over the top Mom had gone in decorating and cooking for me. I hadn't meant to avoid home or anything... things had just been busy with traveling and competing in the different regions' pokemon contests. When my 18th birthday came though I realized that even though I had accomplished a lot in my eight-year pokemon coordinator career... I felt weirdly empty. That strange emptiness was what had finally prompted me to come back home and revisit my roots so that I could hopefully get out of my weird funk.

I was so stuffed from eating all of my mom's homemade treats that I wanted to moan out loud, but I managed to hold it in. Mom and I had ended up talking until nearly 2:00 am and I knew that she had passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow, so I didn't want to disturb her sleep. As nice as it was to be back home and to be cuddled and spoiled by my mom... the emptiness still hadn't gone away.

Turning onto my side I looked out my window to look at the stars and a small sliver of the moon. Tears began to prickle at the back of my eyes but I was too exhausted to fight them. As much as I wished I could keep being ignorant, I couldn't ignore my feelings anymore. Out of all of my friends and competitors that I was close to, I was the only one who didn't have a significant other. I physically cringed as the thought flitted through my mind and scolded myself for being so needy and childish. I had caught so many pokemon that were like true family members to me and I cherished and loved all of my friends dearly. But even with all of those solid relationships around me... I wished that there was someone in this world who would put me first. Someone that would encourage me, celebrate my wins, comfort me through my losses, and someone I could devote myself to.

"Ugh, I'm so pathetic," I grumbled to myself as I swiped at my ridiculous tears and buried myself under my covers.

Just when I was about to sink into the blessedly quiet world of sleep, a strange tingle began to travel up and down my whole body. Blinking my eyes open in confusion, I gasped when my head suddenly floated away from my pillow without any direction from me. Glancing around I yelled when I realized that not just my head, but my whole body was slowly drifting up toward the ceiling and a pale golden glow had encased my body. I kicked the blankets off me and reached out desperately, trying to snag a shelf or the headboard of my bed to keep myself from floating away.

"Espeon? If this is you then it's NOT funny!" I yelped while spinning around and searching for the source of my predicament. My chest tightened in slight panic though when I only saw Piplup sleeping soundly on his plush bed at the foot of my bed.

"Piplup?" I called out, trying to keep the fear from my voice. My trusty partner didn't even flinch from his sleep though so I tried again, this time louder and not caring if I sounded crazy. "Piplup! Hey, wake up. Piplup! Mom! Somebody!"

I flailed around as my body continued to move up toward the ceiling but nobody seemed to hear my cries. Suddenly an invisible pressure began to squeeze my entire body and I felt as if someone was trying to suck me through a straw that was too narrow for me to fit through. The next thing I knew I was no longer in my room, I was hurtling through a black space with flecks of gold the same color that surrounded my body. I screamed, yelled, kicked, and punched, but to no avail. Suddenly my sense of being flung through space came to a stop and my mouth fell open in shock when a fuzzy image of a massive pokemon began to appear in front of me. I squinted, trying to get the distorted image to become more clear, but the fuzzy blob of white and gold remained as a blob.

Please help them, a voice that was both soft and gentle yet all-consuming and cacophonous seemed to speak inside my head. I clamped my hands over my ears instinctively, but the voice continued ringing deeply inside me. I cannot interfere directly. Please soothe my children and rid the humans of their fear.

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