Christmas Miracle: Ikarishipping AU

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"This is my favorite time of year!" an excitable teenage girl with flowing blue hair exclaimed as she twirled down the brightly lit castle hallway.

"Please slow down, Your Highness! You're going to..."

"Ack!" The young woman cried out as she smacked into a decorative suit of armor, causing a large clanging sound to ring through the hallway before she flopped onto her backside from the shock of the impact.

"Princess Dawn!" the girl's governess cried out with worry and a healthy amount of reproach in her voice as she lifted her skirts delicately and bustled over to her energetic charge in a lady-like shuffle. She was rubbing her forehead with a light groan as she recovered from her accidental run-in and her governess reached down and pulled on her arm, looking all around her to make sure no one had seen the disgraceful event.

"Your Highness, please get up. It is not at all dignified to be sitting on the floor!" Her governess scolded in a hushed voice and Dawn looked up at her, giving her an angelic smile.

"You are so stiff, Marjorie," she said with a giggle before picking herself up off the floor and brushing off the fabric of her skirt for any specks of dust that might be clinging. "Lighten up a little. It's almost Christmas! There is going to be a feast and then the Yule Ball will be held and I have a beautiful new dress to wear... And it's been snowing since this morning! Aren't you excited to have a white Christmas?"

Governess Marjorie let out a dainty huff of disapproval. Dawn pouted lightly at her before her grin was back and she began skipping down the hallway once again.

"Your Highness you are 18. Please refrain from doing something so childish," Governess Marjorie chided as she walked demurely along behind the princess. Dawn ignored her overly stuffy governess though and hummed lightly to herself, thinking of all of the celebrations to look forward to.

* * * * * * * *

"Oh my darling, you look absolutely gorgeous!"

Dawn turned around to give her mother, the queen, a wide smile. She turned slowly to show off the luscious cream-colored dress. The skirt looked to be made up of thousands of feathers flowing down from her waist while the thick cream fabric covering her torso was dotted with beautiful rhinestones crafted in the shape of feathers and her long sleeves ended with a short cuff of the softest downy feathers Dawn had ever felt.

"If only you had wings you would look just like a swan," the Queen said with a wide smile. Dawn laughed, bending over slightly so that the maid who was resting a delicate white tiara on the crown of her head could position it better.

"Thank you, Mother. You look like a present," Dawn said with a giddy giggle. Her mother's dress was made of a gold-colored fabric and featured an ornate bow on the back that flowed all the way to the floor. The duo shared a quiet chuckle as the maids finished their final touches on Princess Dawn's elegant updo before they made their way arm in arm to the grand hall.

After the feast finished off with the most stunning sugar sculpture of a rearing pegasus being presented, Princess Dawn led everyone into the ballroom. The air was alive with the sound of happy music and everywhere you turned gorgeous colors popped out from the guests extravagant outfits.

Princess Dawn had just accepted a dance from the elderly ambassador of the kingdom next to hers when a sudden crash sounded from the ceiling. Laughter and conversation turned to confused muttering and the occasional yelp of fear as several more crashes could be heard from the ceiling high above the party attendants. The elderly ambassador turned and, as if to shield the princess, held his arms out to keep her from leaving his side.

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