Troublesome Questions: Ikarishipping AU

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Demon President.

That's what almost everyone in the school called me behind my back. Not that I gave a second thought on what the rest of the pathetic student body thought of me. I was a senior in a specialized high school that gave advanced training to launch your career as a pokemon trainer and it was a tradition of the school that the student with the best grades and the highest battle victory record was automatically made into the student council president. I had had the position since my second year of high school, even though I had argued for hours with the teachers that I wanted nothing to do with a leadership position like this. Rules were rules though and even though the teachers and principal were all trembling in their boots in the face of my fury, they refused to budge from school tradition. Pathetic.

"President Shinji, about the plans for the school-wide Christmas event this year..." Eiji Nakamura, the vice president, walked over to my desk and immediately froze mid-step as I leveled a glare at him.

"We're having a battle tournament, Nakamura. End of discussion," I snapped, turning back to the mountain of paperwork that I had to complete before the end of the day. Tedious stuff like approving budgets and coordinating practice battles amongst the different high school teams with similar programs to us would grind away any speck of patience that I possessed. I was not in the mood to listen to my vice president questioning my decisions.

"O-of course, President. But... I was actually wondering if you would consider allowing a celebration after the tournament ends. A lot of students have been saying that they would like to hold a dance like Kokoro High School does..."

My eyes flew open and I slammed my hands onto my desk, propelling myself up into a standing position and glowering with all the frustration and annoyance that I could muster towards my pushover of a vice president. Nakamura gulped and took a step back, glancing towards the slightly ajar door of the student council room and then reluctantly moving his gaze back to meet my infuriated expression.

"Did you say Kokoro High School?" I growled through clenched teeth. Nakamura gulped and jerkily nodded his silent affirmation. The entire room had gone deathly silent upon my explosive reaction and I glanced around the room to see that the other members of the student council were all avoiding my gaze while making unsuccessful attempts at hiding their guilty expressions.

"That infernal woman..." I snarled under my breath, stepping around my desk and marching out of the student council room before slamming the door behind me.

As I marched down the hallways of the mostly empty school, images of an infuriatingly beautiful and loud-mouthed girl came into my mind's eye. Hikari Asahina was a student who had transferred from Kokoro High School into our Tatakai High School at the beginning of my senior year. She was a year younger than me and had become a hot topic almost instantly among the students. Tatakai was an insanely competitive school and it was almost unheard of for someone to transfer into the school without having been there the first year of high school, but somehow she had done it.

The first time I had seen her I had been shocked to see her being surrounded by students, chatting with them like they were all old childhood friends without a care in the world. She had midnight blue hair that cascaded to the bottom of her shoulder blades when she left it down, and her eyes were only a few shades lighter than her dark blue hair. She was an average height, somewhere around 5'5", and even though no one could call her voluptuous, she had nice curves.

It hadn't surprised me when I would catch whispered conversations of guys trying to work up the courage to confess to her, but to me, she was the type of woman that I absolutely could not stand. On more than one occasion, she had blatantly opposed me. Even though she had a smile to share with everyone around her, whenever we crossed paths she would turn into a Growlithe-wannabe.

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