Self Inflicted

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"Find "the Forgotten" I heard a whisper as I woke up.

"Ahhh." As I rolled over with a killer headache and an over (totally) over dried throat. throwing the blankets off me I made my way to my bathroom drinking believe it or not 6 cups of water. Crazy right? Looking at myself in the mirror the girl that stared back at me wasn't myself but simply a person who I hadn't seen in months. The girl looked scared and haunted I on the other hand felt the exact opposite. Slowly I moved my hand the girl in the mirror didn't. "Calm down Alli, nothings there it's just your imagination, just your imagination.

Dropping my hand I closed my eyes leaving nothing but the memories of last night flashing through my mind, or at least flashes. The memories were of pain, torcher, hatred and darkness. If I had known better I would have passed it off as a dream if I hadenèt felt the stab wound in my shoulder. Feeling the stabbing ache in my shoulder I lifted down my tank top to see a long red mark. In shock I covered my mouth to stop the scream I knew was about to come out. I knew that this wasn't possible, that nothing like this can happen in real life, and maybe it wasn't real maybe my life was just a story me being a helpless character being written by some chick with a fetish to write stories, she never finishes. Looking around the bathroom I finally found a gauze and going into the other room finding tape in one of my suitcases. I could tell the wound was fresh and that it probably needed stitches, but questioning my rational side I said "What are you going to do, tell your dad that you slipped while holding a knife, ya real smart considering the angle of the wound looks like someone rammed it into my back."

After I finished bandaging my wound I put on a t-shirt that had longer sleeves, and went upstairs. No one seemed to be there though on the table however was a letter saying "

Dear Ali

Went to a important meeting, with Sasha and Macy,

Won't be back until 11:00

Macy told me you left her all by herself, you're grounded.

P.S I thought I told you not to tell anyone that you're a Blaze


Great I thought Grounded, well at least I have nowhere to go. 11:00 hey that should give me sometime to do some information thinking. Going over to the island in the kitchen I sat down and picked up the phone dialing a familiar number.

"Hello?" The old voice asked.

"Grandpa Johnny its Allison." I replied letting my texan accent out.

"Allison, why are you callin at his hour?"

"Shoot I'm sorry, I just wanted to see how you were feeling."

"Allison Blaze Dregman, when have you ever called to see how I was feeling?" The asked knowing me all to well. Signing he said "I know you have somthin to ask so spit it out"

"That bike you gave me what did you used to call her, I forget." I rambled.

"Why would you...?" He started to ask when I cut him off ruddley.

"Your great Granddad used to call her Grace." The hesitated before saying it.

almost dropping the phone memories of that one story my mom used to tell me had one line to stick out "Before the young man could go outside, his father woke and asked the boy where he was going. The young man replied with a whispered, "Nowhere dad. Nowhere."

About five minutes of working on his favorite bike, Grace, that belonged to his father."

"Like the story." I whispered into the phone not meaning to.

"Like what story? Allison what's wrong?" My grandpa asked a pinch of worry in his voice.

"Nothing I got to go." I hung up the phone even though his voice was protesting.

No its impossible, it can't be i'm not... I'm the Ghost Rider...Oh shit.

Sorry It took a long time to upload.

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