No Longer Hidden (♡✰)

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Sorry this is so short yall :(

This isn't my best work because I don't feel like writing much so take this chapter with a grain of salt...


Although Mr Plant knows Argos is obsessive, he's never really seen it in full force.

Until today, of course. 

Or, Mr Plant likes Argos' stare a bit too much.


"Mr Plant---" Argos keens.

Mr Plant doesn't exactly know how he got here, how he got Argos like this. Mr Plant doesn't know if It the touch that made Argos go wild or his words of love. Whatever he did, It sent Argos into a state of mind he's never seen before. His boyfriends legs are wrapped around him, Argos' arms pulling him close. Occasionally he sees Argos in his house  (when he's not supposed to be there...), he notices Argos sniffing him or  feeling as if someone was following him to the store, Mr Plant ignored it all. Argos didn't have the best past relationships and Mr Plant liked the attention. He'd stumbled upon Argos's shrine one day while waiting for him to get back from work. It made Mr Plant feel rather different, made him feel something he hadn't felt it awhile. It didn't make him uncomfortable but turned him on.  Maybe this situation wouldn't be so strange if Argos wasn't looking at him like that. All of his pretty blue eyes are focused on Mr Plant, if he looked closer, Mr Plant wouldn't doubt that there were hearts in his boyfriends eyes. It isn't a small glance but a full on attention stare. He could feel those eyes watching his every move. 

At least Argos was watching him until he noticed the bulge in Mr Plants pants. A visible blush appeared on his face as he realized what made him that way. He stifled a moan as Mr Plant pushed his hips down. Getting the message, he positioned himself in a position where he could grind against his lover. Mr Plant let out a short breathe at that, It didn't take long for those eyes to flicker back up to him. Mr Plant placed his hands on Argos' waist, feeling the soft skin beneath his finger tips. Argos whined, once Mr Plants touch left him, although It was only for a few seconds while Mr Plant grabbed the lube. The couch wasn't the best place to fuck, Mr Plant didn't mind either way as long as he was with his boyfriend. Deciding to take care of his boyfriend first, Mr Plant poured the lube on his fingers. Carefully entering one finger his boyfriend, Argos chimed in later to let him know he was ready for another. Repeating the same process, Mr Plant kneaded at Argos' pleasure points, stretching his boyfriends with a scissor like motion. Eventually, Mr Plant finished, he poured some on his own cock before slowly entering it in Argos.

Argos let out a groan at the action as he attempted to pull Mr Plant even closer. The stretch and burn of Mr Plants cock seemed to turn him on more.  Slowly, Mr Plant moved in and then out, making sure Argos could feel every inch and every vein of his lover. Argos tugged at Mr Plants sweater, begging for the man on top of him to go faster. Mr Plant stops, readjusting their position, he grabs Argos' legs. Mr Plant places them on top of his shoulders. Mr Plant continues, hitting deep inside of his lover, he speeds up, his hands exploring Argos smooth hips. He kisses his chest, admiring Argos' darker skin. Testing the waters, Argos rubs his cilt but Mr Plant bats his hand away. Instead, doing it for him. Mr Plants rough and gentle in ways Argos didn't know was possible

"s-shit" Argos curses, the word suddenly sounds so pretty to Mr Plant because its coming from Argos mouth.

Soon, Argos can't even form words, he babbles as Mr Plant gladly fucks him silly. The pressure in his stomach builds up and Argos comes, Mr Plant continues to speed up though. Almost at his peak, Argos clenches around him and screams for the overstimulation. His uncoherent moans bring Mr Plant over the edge. He pushes as far as he came and Argos then successfully releases inside him.  For awhile, the two bask happily in the aftermath. 

"Do you really like my stare that much, Mr Plant?" Argos askes. Mr Plant looks him up and down, his hair is everywhere, his face is red and his hole is dripping with Mr Plants cum...  

Mr Plant nods and Argos blushes.

"I love you, Mr Plant"

If Mr Plant could speak, he'd surely say the same for Argos. 

 Mr Plants hands wrap around his form and Argos kisses his cheek before yawning. They both turn to the clock next to them. It reads 12:34 am.

"We really should get ready for bed, huh?" Argos smiles. 

Mr Plant nods once more. 

When they finally shower, change the sheets and settle down. Mr Plant cuddles his lover. Argos falls asleep quickly and so does Mr Plant. 

Its all they ever wanted. (and needed too!) 

Obsession (Mr Plant x Argos)Where stories live. Discover now