I crave your fear. You crave my love. (♡✰)

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Mr Plant is the only person that strikes fear in Argos. Who's to say Argos doesn't like it? (fear kink uhm)


okay fine I'll do myself

Yeah, I don't know either.

It's dark inside of the plain bedroom.

Mr Plant is here.

How far was he willing to go?

But Argos can't see him.

Argos is nearly hyperventilating.

His eyes scan nervously around the dark room.

But he still can't see him.

Mr Plant is hidden.

Although he knows Mr Plant is near.

He just doesn't know where .

His eyes sense it but can't pinpoint the location.

He doesn't exactly like this part of the game.

The part where he's just waiting for his lover to pounce on him.

This game scares him but Mr Plant seems to like it.

He hears something shuffle on the side of him and he immediately turns that way. His heart pounds widely in his chest.

Argos is knocked off his feet and back onto the bed.

Mr Plant approached him from behind.

Argos quickly shifts his position so that he's laying on his back.

Mr Plant is right above him, dark goo falls down his face.

His petals are shaking.

He can see the blush on his lover's face.

Mr Plant is horny.

It's not like Argos didn't expect this outcome.

This has happened a couple times.

Argos let's Mr Plant undress him.

Mr Plant does it quickly while Argos sits calmly.

Although his heart was racing.

Mr Plant prepares Argos gently.

Argos holds onto his blue sweater.

He kisses Mr Plants forehead.

Then Mr Plant blushes a bit.

Only for a while though.

Mr Plant does a hand signal, Argos understands what it means.

Argos flips onto his stomach, Mr Plant comes up behind him.

Argos flinches when he feels something cold against his neck.

A knife.

How far was Mr Plant willing to go?

He sets the knife down.

Argos is scared . But it's okay. Since he's with Mr Plant.

But Mr Plant rubs him, signaling him to stay still.

That reminds Argos once more that Mr Plant doesn't actually want to hurt him.

Mr Plant kisses his neck.

Mr Plant shifts the position, deciding that he doesn't like the last.

He sits Argos on top of his lap.

Obsession (Mr Plant x Argos)Where stories live. Discover now