The Games 1.7

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I wake up in the middle of the night in a foreign boy's arms. It's damn cold in the cave and I feel sick to the stomach. I hear a faint trickling sound outside. It must be raining since snow does not make noise. I get chills as I realize that the boy I am hugging isn't Lance or Ramsey. I remind myself that Lance is dead and Ramsey is back home. I identify the guy as Ash, the District 2 killer who is apparently in love with me. I get up quietly, letting Ash sleep soundly after the hectic day he had yesterday.

I peek through the opening of the cave and get hit by drops of rain on my face. The sky is green and threatening to turn all of the clouds into one funnel cloud, creating a massive tornado. The water has accumulated to around ten centimeters and we can call it a flash flood. Shit. The last thing I need is a to be flooded and get kicked out of my cave. Well there's not many of us left and the Gamemakers want to end this quickly. It's been a little over two weeks now and I can feel it hitting me hard. I feel the hollow cheeks, the bags under my eyes, the scars and wounds on my body, the numerous bruises covering my legs and arms, and the fury and viciousness in my blood. The weather is threatening to get us so I go back into the cave and into the tent, back into the arms of Ash.

I am haunted by sleep paralysis for the next half hour and in the end, I don't fall asleep but I stay awake. I wonder how Ovid and Hunter are doing, while I re-organize my backpack. I have no food left and two more water shots which I am obviously gonna save. Ovid is probably trying to hunt us down, making sure that when he will get us, he will rape me until I die. What about Ash? Will Ovid kill him or spare his life? Considering the fact that he is a heartless beast, I really doubt that. I am tired and I feel that my eyes are red. It is still raining and I am getting tired of staying up, sleepless.

I hear a stir and a shrug and I realize that Ash must have woken up. I see the buff guy get out of the tent, messy hair, bags under his eyes, cuts and scrapes all over his body, his black t shirt ripped, dirty, his pants holed, a nasty slash on the left thigh.

"Morning darling." he says, yawning.

"Morning, morning. More like shit day if it comes to me." I retort.

"Why, what's wrong?" he says, sitting next to me.

"We're getting flooded outside and sleep paralysis." I answer blandly.

"I've had it too." he says.


"Sleep paralysis. I get it often nowadays." He says.

"What do you see?" I ask him.

"I see monsters, snakes, huge spiders, creeping up on me, trying to strangle me." he says, "It's horrible. What do you see?" he asks me.

"I see a creepy shadow. It's always there, lurking around. It hovers above me, looks me straight in the eyes, and I can't get it away from me. I am stuck, unable to move, unable to close my eyes. I can't scream, I just have to look it in the eyes hoping that it will leave me alone." I reply. He hugs me tight around the shoulder and he gets up soon after.

"Johanna..." he says, "I think we have a problem..." He says, tense.

I look in his direction and realize what is up. There is water leaking into the cave, flooding the north side. We have to get out of here, fast. I quickly pack the bags and he dismounts the tent. When all of shit is together, we open the door and set out into the wild.

As soon as we see the fresh air, we are stunned by a heavy wall of rain, pouring so hard that we literally cannot see anything. We both curse under our breaths and decide to stay under the rock that gave some shade and protection. I see the clouds circulate heavily and I decide to move since this seems to me that there will be a tornado, and it will not be pretty.

We are soaking wet and it is hard to walk, therefore walking turns into swimming and it is getting harder to swim by the minute. I swear that I will drown. We decide to screw the tent and we abandon it in a tree since it is the heaviest. Weapons will be needed so we cannot get rid of those. The current of the water speeds up and we just let nature drive us wherever. But the water gets out of control quickly and soon enough, I am struggling to keep myself floating and I grab a tree and pull myself up. Ash follows.

"Fuck!" I scream, "This is hell.... Are we supposed to stay here all day?"

"I don't know. They want us to meet the others. Or kill us." he replies, sitting on the higher branch.

"We have to run away. The funnel cloud is getting worse." I say as I see the clouds literally swirl.

I jump from tree to tree, avoiding wasp nests as well as humongous spider webs. They must live here. They must be dead, they hate water. I sit on the branch and take a drink from the canister. We are both famished and under-slept.

"Babe, I think we should move." he says, pointing at the incoming wave.

"Oh fuck!" I scream and we start jumping quickly, avoiding the wave as much as it can. We reach the border of the forest and see the lake.

There is a huge maelstrom sucking in everything. Part of the lake lies untouched, a proclaimed safe zone. We have to get to that safe zone. I hear the crash of the wave against the trees and mountains and I decide to move. What are we supposed to do now? Jump into the maelstrom or get killed by the wave. Neither, we must survive. We decide to brace ourselves and try to get to the safe zone. Just as we are about to move, I hear a scream. Below us, the current is pulling District 8. He's screaming and trying to grab a tree, but in vain. The maelstrom will suck him in. He catches a glimpse of us just as he passes us. He has wild eyes, pleading for mercy. He wants us to help him, but we really can't. Instead, we just see the boy getting sucked into the turbine, screaming, crying for help. The canon booms and we decide to move.

Getting to the safe zone is harder than we think. I almost fall out of the tree but I manage to get out just in time. The backpack falls in though, leaving us with nothing. The only thing we have are two shots of water and our weapons. We reach a big tree and decide to stay for a while. Ash shows me his beautiful array of knives, each one gleaming, shiny, polished. I show him my axes, each and everyone of them shining in the dim light. That's when I feel the ground shake.

The ground suddenly shakes and a large crack forms. Our tree is right at the edge. Darkness lurks in the quake and before I can think of anything, the tree is starting to fall into the crack. Ash jumps onto a stable tree and sets himself. I on the other hand cannot jump since I am too little, I won't reach it. I am going to die. Goodbye world, goodbye Ramsey, goodbye Ash, goodbye Hunter, goodbye Mom, I am dead. I look up and I see Ash's hand extended. I just have to reach this hand. I try to climb and I finally grab it just as the tree falls into the pit. I am hanging in mid-air above the deadly fracture. He pulls me up slowly but giving all of his strength.

"I won't let you die. I promise. Just like I did the night of the Interviews." he says as he pulls me up and I settle myself on the same branch.

"This is the end of the world." I say.

"We better move now." he says just as the funnel cloud forms and hits the ground.

The water has drained and we run as fast as our legs can take us towards the Cornucopia. The wind is pulling everything but we keep on going. We run and run until we stumble upon something.

Rather someone.

------------------------------------------------------Hey Loves!!

Long time no update.. sorry about that. Too many exams. CLIFFHANGER WHO IS THIS SOMEONE??? Comment down below. I want to thank all of my readers for loving this story :)

Who do you ship?? #Josey (Jo and Ramsey) #Ashanna (Ash and Johanna) #Joance (Johanna and Lance) Comment down below!!!

Be prepared, the end of the Games is near. Someone's gonna die.

Love you all so much!!!


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