
335 5 6

February 14, 2001

Hermione had just finished setting up the last candle when Pansy and Daphne popped through her Floo.

"Oh it looks beautiful, Hermione!" Daphne cooed. She'd charmed the ceiling to reflect the night sky, her favorite constellations twinkling brightly. There were also huge pillows placed on the floor of the living room. Molly had come over earlier to help her with dinner, although after the second fire was put out she was forced to stay out of the kitchen. Hermione smiled as she set out the steaks and potatoes. Gripping her wand she placed warming charms over everything.

"Thanks Daphne." She wanted tonight to be perfect, but mostly she just wanted to spend time with Draco.

"How'd you manage to keep Draco in his room today?" Pansy asked, fiddling with Hermione's record player. Today Pansy wore midnight blue dress robes that looked amazing on her figure. Hermione often wished clothes fit her like that.

"I told him I had a private Ministry meeting over Floo." Pansy nodded her head and walked closer to Hermione. "So what's your plan?" Hermione nervously played with her fingers.

"My plan?" Pansy and Daphne groan.

"You can't be serious!" Daphne plops down on the couch.

"Honestly woman, you're hopeless." Hermione glared at Pansy.

"I am not!"

"Yes," she shook her head, "you are."

"We told you you have to let him know you're interested, how are you going to do that?" the blonde asked.

"I figured I'd just kiss him..." her friends looked at each other in disbelief. They sure had a way of making her feel like a schoolgirl virgin.

"You are not helping! I can get a man to kiss me; I've done it many times before!" Both women shared a nervous look, but Hermione continued.

"It seems that you have a complete lack of faith in me. I've had sex, many times in fact! Men find me attractive and sexy. They usually come begging for more! If I want in Draco's pants, I'll bloody do it; I don't need you buggering about the way I do!" Hermione's chest was heaving and she could feel the familiar sparks from her hair. Pansy and Daphne didn't even seem to be paying attention to her, instead staring over her shoulder.

"What the hell are you looking at?!" Hermione spun around and stopped dead in her tracks. Draco was leaning against his door frame with a smirk on his face.

"No no, Granger. Please go on about all the wild sex you have, and will have, with me." She knew her face was red, but she didn't know how to redeem herself.

"How much did you hear?"

"Well I believe I heard something about you kissing me?" Hermione groaned and covered her face with her hands. After a moment she realised all her hard work had been ruined.

"Damn it, Draco! I told you to stay in your room. Now you've ruined the surprise," she whined. Both Daphne and Pansy seemed to be inching towards the Floo, she almost laughed at the sight. "You girls can go, thank you for your help." They both visibly sighed with relief and rushed through the green flames. After they disappeared, Hermione stood up, ready to retreat back to her room and forget about this whole thing. A hand on her shoulder stopped her.



"I love my surprise." She turned to look at him but chickened out, instead resting her head on his chest.

"I'm embarrassed," she mumbled against his shirt, breathing in his intoxicating smell; cedar and mint toothpaste. Strong hands wrapped around her torso and a kiss was placed on the top of her head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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