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January 24th, 2001

Hermione woke from her first dreamless sleep in as long as she could remember. She twisted around in Draco's bed and looked at the beautiful man sleeping beside her. His arms were caging her to his side and soft breaths warmed her neck. She reached up and traced the smooth line that was his jaw, feeling the prickly stubble that she'd grown to adore. He looked so peaceful, like no harm had ever come to him.

Hermione didn't know how everything could have changed in a week. He went from stubborn Malfoy to sweet Draco that made her breakfast. Her feelings for him had gone from a silly schoolgirl crush to something very real and terrifying. It was like her feelings for him had remained dormant since sixth year, and being this close had woken them up.

Everything was moving so fast, she had basically jumped into bed with him after her nightmare and never left. There were so many conflicting emotions running through her head. Should she open herself up to this man? He had been nothing but kind for the past week, and he seems to have changed.

Hermione needed to clear her head. Slipping out of his arms and out of the covers, she smiled down at Draco's sleeping form. He seemed displeased at the loss of her warmth and snuggled even deeper into his pillows. She wandlessly summoned a paper and pen and scribbled a note telling him she'd gone to Diagon Alley for the day and would be back for dinner. After placing it on his nightstand she left for her room to change.

She slipped on muggle jeans and the same periwinkle jumper she wore to Hogsmeade all those years ago. Feeling content with her outfit she grabbed her brown satchel and made her way outside to get past her wards. She stepped off the last step of her front porch and made her way down the driveway to her mailbox before she felt the wards hugging her as she left. Then, like many times before, she spun on her heel and Apparated away with a loud crack. She landed in the small alley beside the Leaky Cauldron and brushed herself off before stepping into the street.

Immediately, she was met with the usual busyness and smiled. The familiar buzz of joyful conversations and laughter filled her ears. This was a good idea. Her first stop would be Flourish and Blotts, then the Apothecary for more potion supplies. She gripped her bag and started down the cobblestone street. As she looked around and took in the scenery she couldn't help but stop in front of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. She hadn't seen many members of the Weasley family since her breakup with Ron, but that didn't happen to her friendship with George.

After the war the world was in shambles. There was so much loss, and George lost his other half. He fell into a depression that no one could seem to get him out of. Hermione could relate on some level, with her parents' memories not coming back as they had hoped. She started visiting his flat as much as he'd let her. They both cried over the friends they'd lost, and through all of that pain formed an unbreakable bond. George had been there when her and Ron broke up, despite it being his brother, and she had helped him when Angelina wanted back into his life. She had been visiting the joke shop multiple times a week for years, so she let herself inside and waited for her friend to appear. She looked around in wonder despite having been here many times before. It still amazed her how he came up with all the products in the shop. She made her way to the front, passing a cage of Pygmy Puffs on her way and thinking of Ginny.

"Well, well, well," boomed a voice from the top of the staircase. Hermione whipped around and smiled up at the tall frame that was George Weasley. She rushed to meet him at the bottom of the stairs and engulfed him in a hug. She felt the soft yarn of his Molly sweater and sighed, pulling him closer. She hadn't spoken to him since the trial.

"I've missed you, George," she mumbled into his chest. He squeezed her once before pushing her back to look at her.

"Are you okay, 'Mione?" She laughed and tried not to let tears well in her eyes.

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