Stay With Me Anthony~ Ianthony (first Chapter)

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"Ian, I'm sick of your shit, and I'm sick of you. I want you gone!"  Anthony screamed.

"But, after all we've been through? How could you?" Ian cried out

"I.." Anthony paused." I need some time away.." Anthony shut the door and left, leaving Ian speechless standing outside his house.

"OK! SO THIS IS HOW IT'S GOING TO BE!" Ian ran away crying.

"And, CUT! That's a wrap!" a camera guy exclaimed.

Anthony opened the door and went back outside. " Wow, this is an intense episode Ian."

Ian nodded his head."I agree, maybe we should do a different idea instead." 

Anthony shrugged," I don't know, there is a REALLY good lesson in this one. I think we should try it."

Ian agreed with Anthony like he always did and went back in the house.

Anthony followed him. Ian sat on the couch speechless.

"Ian, I know when somethings wrong, is it to much?"

Ian looked into Anthony's beautiful brown eyes and shivered a little bit

"I just hate, being mad at you in any way, video wise, real life, it does matter. I just hate it!"

Anthony went over to Ian and hugged him gently. Ian placed his head on Anthony's shoulder and hugged him tighter.

"You don't have to fear it like that Ian. It's ok."

Ian placed his head up and looked at Anthony's brown eyes again.

"I love you." He said

Anthony hugged him once more

"I love you too."

Anthony woke up the next morning with his arm around Ian's chest. Ian sleeping was like a little baby sleeping, and when they made love last night, Anthony felt like a little school boy. Ian felt the same way but emotionly different. He still loved Melanie and wanted to be with her but Anthony him more.

"Ian, it's almost 11:00, I should go before Melanie comes home."

Ian whimpered.

"Stay with me Anthony, just a little longer."

Anthony did as Ian asked. He could never turn down Ian, not in a million years and Ian could never turn down Anthony, they felt the same way. They had been sneaking around for over half a year now while Melanie was still taking classes at the college. Kalel was busy making her videos, and even though Anthony loves Kalel, they lately haven't been connecting. Kalel took Anthony to a couples Conseling, and during the whole process Anthony thought of Ian. The way they made love, and how sometimes it could be passionate and other times, rough.

"I have to go Ian, I love you." Anthony left Ians bedroom, put on his clothes, and ran outside to his car and drove off.

I'll Stay By Your Side~IanthonyWhere stories live. Discover now