Family Talk

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Musutafu, Japan: Leblanc

Izuku: *deep breath* You can do this, all you need to do is tell her what happened.........all you need to do is tell her........the truth


Izuku: *hangs head* why is this so hard

It was almost the time for Izuku to reunite with his mother. Since returning from the outing with Nejire he had been thinking about just how he was going to go through explaining his actions to her as it was way out of character for him to act out like he did against Bakugou.

He was also slightly panicking, as he had to be the one to tell her that the person that had caused him the most trauma was the son of her best friend.

Ren: 'Hey...You doing okay Izuku?'

Izuku: 'Yea......Yea I should be good, I'm just a bit nervous ya know'

Larvenza: 'It is only natural for anyone to feel what you are feeling right now Izuku, but you've come far from what you used to be and have grown both physically and mentally. You have already achieved many things that others would deem as impossible, this is just another stump in the road for you'

Morgana: 'That's right! You've already done so much and have improved at an amazing pace. There's no need for you to be so down'

Yusuke: 'Whatever path you go down we'll be here to help you out if you want us too'

Futaba: 'Remember your not alone in this!'

Haru: 'We're here with you!'

Makoto: 'Remember always hold your head up high in the face of adversity Izuku'

Ryuji: 'And if you fall on your ass then just get up and try again!'

Ann: 'So take a deep breath, straighten those shoulders and put your game face on!'

Izuku:......*closes eyes*

Izuku: *small smile* Thank you guys


Musutafu, Japan: Midoriya Household

Inko Midoriya had experienced a lot in her life, a lot of positive things such as falling in love, getting married, and giving birth to her son. But that wasn't meant to last, as when her son had turned four years old and was told he was quirkless, was when everything began to fall apart. Her husband had left her and her son, people that knew Izuku was quirkless would look at her son as if he was the plague, and she started too become overprotective of her son treating him as if he was a fragile piece of glass that could break at anytime. All this lead her to overeat as a coping mechanism to deal with her stress.

Inko: *sigh*

But Inko knew that no matter how hard she tried she couldn't protect Izuku from everything. She had seen some of the bruises that he had tried to hide when he came home from school. And as much as she wanted to know what happened he had always told her that it was an accident and to her shame she had never pressed him for the truth.

Soon her mind went back to the reason for why her son had left in the first place. She had believed that even though Izuku had lost most of his former friends, either out of hatred for him being quirkless or fear of being bullied themselves for being acquainted with him, she believed that his best friend Katsuki Bakugou had stuck with him. Sure she knew that he had a bit of a temper problem, but so did his mother when they were kids and she eventually mellowed out with time. But even then as far as she was aware both Izuku and Katsuki remained best friends, if them calling each other by their nicknames showed as much.

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