The Flower Shop Pt2

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Musutafu, Japan: Shiozaki Flower Shop: Night time

Overlooking the same shop he had come to Izuku, in his vigilante outfit, was waiting on top of a nearby building waiting for the moment Iron Horn would make his appearance.

As he scanned the empty streets he soon saw a man approaching. One look at the man told him it was his target, as hard as Iron Horn tried to hide his identity with the large oversized black coat, the indistinguishable horn on the center of his head was still visible.

Ren: 'So what's the plan Izuku'

Izuku: 'For now I'll just be watching his movements. If he decides to strike then I'll jump in, but if he's only scoping out the place then I'll just wait till he's done and somewhere secluded to get the drop on him'

Makoto; 'It would also be a good idea to get video evidence of his actions just in case'

Nodding at the advice Izuku took out his phone and began to record.

Inside Shiozakis Plants

Mr:Shiozaki: All right. I just need to finish these last few papers and we should be good to go.

Mrs.Shiozaki: Perfect. Iba-chan can you please take out the trash.

Ibarra: Yes mother

Grabbing the two large black trash bags Ibarra went around to the back of the building where her family kept their garbage can.

As she was about to make her way back inside she suddenly jumped in surprise as two large horns had impaled the wall next to her.

Hearing footsteps approaching she turned her head towards the incoming person and became confused and tensed at the local hero she had seen before.

Iron Horn: You now I was just gonna scope around and just leave to come back when I got the money, but since I have the chance I might as well just take you now.

Confused and scared at what he was talking about Ibarra became petrified and unable to move as he began to make his way towards her. The closer he got to her the more she started to panic and began to pray for some sort of help.

Iron Horn: Don't scream and I won't hurt you.......much

As the corrupt hero reached out his hand to grab the scared girl both of them became still as a whistling sound was becoming louder.

Before either one of them could speak a foot slammed into the face of the hero launching him backwards and not stopping until he connected with a wall causing dust to cover the entire area.

Shocked at what just happened Ibarra looked at who had just saved her and became wide eyed as she recognized who it was.

Ibarra: *whisper* ..............Wildcard?

Glancing at the shaking girl Izuku just gave her a slight nod before looking back towards the spot Iron Hron had crashed.

Iron Horn: *grunt* W-who the hell did that.

Standing up on shaky legs the corrupt hero looked at the spot he was previously at and became shocked at seeing the well known vigilante.

Iron Horn: *gritting teeth* Y-you bastard. Do you h-have any idea who I am.


Izuku Midoriya Hero: WildcardWhere stories live. Discover now