Here Lies Hysteria, A Land Where Chaos Reigns

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"Alexandra Marie Dawson get your fat ass up before i come upstairs and drag you out of bed!" My asshole of a "father" yelled. I groaned then quickly got up and jumped in the shower.

Today's my first day of senior year. Yipee. I hate my school. It's overrun by bloodsucking leeches. There's a total of 30 humans in the entire school, including me. Even some teachers are vampires, but normally they don't put humans in classes with vampire teachers. But sadly, they put vampires in the same classes as humans.

After i got out of the shower, i go to pick my clothes. A pair of navy blue skinny jeans, a black v-neck, a brown belt, and my ash toms. For my makeup/hair i do my usual smokey eye with some eyeliner on my waterline and mascara and i straighten my purple hair. Satisfied with my appearence, i hurry out of the house to avoid my dad. I don't even pay attention to the fact that i skipped breakfast today, i skip most meals as it is.


After i got my schdule, i went to my locker to get some things. My lock wasn't working and just as i got my locker open the bell rang.

"Great. Just great." I whispered to myself.

I closed my locker to reveal a mischievous Max Green, who is one of the many Doms in my school.

"Fuck! You scared me." I said as i picked my things up from the ground.

"What do you want?"

"You're looking pretty delicious today, Lex." He paused to lick his pierced lips. "I would love to just bite into that cute little neck of yours." Max slipped his arm around my waist pulling me so we were chest to chest, then squeezed my butt.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled before slapping him across the face, hard. I saw his jade green eyes flicker to a bright red color. Normally i'm not afraid of vampires, but i've never seen this happen before. Before i know it, i'm pinned up against my locker. Max looks at me with furious eyes before letting his fangs protrude from his mouth.


"Andy, sweetie! Time to get up!" My mom yelled up to me. I sighed before pulling the covers off me and showering. I slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black wife beater, my leather studded jacket, and black converse. Then, i put on some eyeliner before heading out.

Before i went to school i drove to Ashley's house, then CC's, then Jake's, and lastly Jinxx's. We were already late so we decided to skip first period, not like any of the human staff will do anything about it. As we were walking down the hall i heard a girl yell followed by a loud slap. Turning another corner, i saw a girl pinned to a locker by Max Green. Now, normally i don't help humans. But there was something about this girl. Something different. Something special. I ran at Max with lightening speed, before slamming him to the ground.

"Don't you have anything better to do than torture this poor girl, Max?" I questioned.

"Are you really defending this slut? This human? Of all people...You?" I gave him a hard punched in the nose before getting up and telling him to leave. The girl looked scared out of her mind and was shaking uncontrollably.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as i walked over and lightly touched her arm.

"P-please don't h-hurt me!" She said, with tears welling up in her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I won't hurt you, none of us will." She nodded slowly before wiping a few tears that escaped away.

"Here's your stuff." I said, handing her her dropped things.


"What's your name?" I enquired.

"Alex." She replied shakily.

"Well i'm Andy. This is CC, Ashley, Jinx, and Jake." I stopped to let the guys wave or say hi before continuing. "Since we're already 15 minutes late to class, wanna skip with us?"

She looked hesitant before replying with an almost inaudible 'sure.' I couldn't help but instantly smile, knowing i could get to know Alex more.

I directed her outside to the front field where the guys and i chill sometimes. I could tell Ashley thought she was hot, and would probably try hooking up with her. I couldn't help but let a low growl bubble up in my throat as i saw him check her out.

"Hey, you okay bro?" CC asked.

"Yeah, fine." I shot out. CC put his hands up in surrender before laughing and patting my back.

"So, Alex. How old are you?" Jinx asked.

"17." She replied with a light smile that made me smile in return.

"Are you single?" Ashley. Of course he asked that. I shot him a glare and got a confused look in return.

"Um, y-yeah."

"Well in that case, gimme your phone." She blushed deepily before handing him her black iPhone 4. He put his number in her phone before handing it back to her, with a wink.

"Ashley is sexy?" She asked, laughing. I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Aw, well thank you. You're not so bad yourself." He replied making her blush once again.

I actually felt happy to hear the bell ring. I couldn't take much more of Ashley's flirting. He's gonna try to get in Alex's pants, i know it. But with all the other human girls that he wants to fuck, he acts like he acutally cares about them then after he gets what he wants, he dumps them. I'd kill him if he hurt Alex. Wait, what am i saying? I don't even know the girl. I sighed before going to my second period class.

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