A Passion Crime To Take What's Mine

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I can't belive Ashley asked Alex if she was a virgin. Clearly all he thinks about when it comes to this girl is sex. But I can't let that happen. Normally I don't care, but Alex is a virgin! It would ruin her if Alex had sex with her then just dropped her. I felt the need to apologize to Alex since I know Ashley won't.

"Alex, can I talk to you in private?" I asked.

"Sure Andy!" She said. We both stood up and I directed her to our guest bedroom, motioning for her to sit on the bed with me.

"So, what's up?" She enquired.

"I wanted to say sorry for Ashley's behavior. He had no right to ask you that question." I sighed, not knowing whether or not to inform her of Ashley's scheme.

"Nah, it's alright. He was just curious, as boys are." She said with a slight laugh.

"No, Alex. You don't get it. There's something you need to know about Ashley...." As I was about to reveal his scheme, in walks Ashley.

"Guys we're putting a movie in." He informed. Alex innocently got up and walked back to my room, leaving me and Ashley in a state off.

"What the fuck was that Andy? What exactly were you planning on telling her?" He shouted after closing and locking the door.

"I was gonna tell her why you were paying so much attention to her. She needs to know, Ash. She's a fucking virgin of God sakes!" I yelled back.

"So what? She's bound to lose it sometime. And besides, she what? 18? I think it's about time." He tried to reason, but just pissed me off more.

"So what? Do you hear what you're saying? You wanna just take an innocent girls virginity, because you can't keep it in your pants. Find another girl, one that's already have had sex." I said.

"No." He simply replied


"Yeah, you heard me. I want her, and I'm gonna get her. I like fresh meat." He said with a smirk.

"Ashley, don't touch her or so help me God..." I trailed off, getting in his face. Before anything could happen we heard Jake yell to get our asses in there. We exchanged looks, then headed back to my room.

Ashley sat down next to Alex before pulling her into his lap. He looked at me with a smirk on his face that I would so love to just punch off. I tried to ignore his obvious flirting acts to piss me off and watched the movie. When it was over, I asked Alex if she'd like a ride home to which she happily, but hesitantly, accepted.

"I had a really good time today,you guys are such a blast." Alex beamd from the passengers seat.

"Well, I'm glad you had fun. We were happy to have you." I replied.

After a few minutes of silence, Alex spoke up again. "I overheard your conversation with Ashley." I looked at her to see that her mood had completely changed. She looked so sad now.

"I wanted to tell you sooner but he walked in." I saw a tear slip down her cheek and quickly wiped it away.

"Please don't cry, not over him." I begged.

"I just thought he really did like me. Guys like that don't even give me the time of day. God, how could I have been so blind? It's not like I'm pretty, I'm just 'fresh meat'." She said referring to what Ashley called her. "And he doesn't even care that he'd be taking my virginity. That's something special to me. I don't want to waste it on just anyone."

"Don't talk negatively about yourself. Alex, you're perfect. You have the cutest laugh and smile, you're so nice and funny, and your body is perfect. Ashley's blind not to notice that. Don't let it get to you, he's not worth it. And you're right, you want your first time to be with someone you love and who equally loves you back. It should special, not wasteful." I pulled up in front of Alex's house. "Well, here we are." I turned to look at Alex only to feel her soft lips on mine. I was taken aback at first, but soon responded.

"Um, I'm uh.. I'm s-sorry." She said getting embarrassed.

"Don't be, I've wanted to do that since I met you today." Her smile returned, and I pecked her on the lips one more time before she got out of the car and walked slowly to her house. I pulled away once she was safely inside. I got home with the biggest grin on my face.

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