We Are The Wild Ones

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Throughout the entire school day i couldn't get Andy out of my head. Why did he help me? I'm no one special. And i'm a human. Does he like me? No, of course not. I'm not pretty at all, and i'm horribly fat. God how i hate myself. I sighed as i got the last of my things and headed out through the front doors of the school, ready for my long journey back to that hell hole. Just as i'm exiting the school parking lot a black bmw pulls up next to me. The window rolls down to the last person i wanted to see today.

"Need a ride?" Max said sarcastically.

"No, now would you please do me a favor and fuck off?" I asked before walking away, just to have the car inch forward so he was next to me again.

"Now why would i do that? I was hoping we could continue the events that happened earlier today in the hallway." Before i could reply a black mercedes benz pulls up next to Max's car. The passangers side window rolls down to reveal Ashley and Andy up front. I let out a sigh of relief knowing my saviour came to my rescue once again.

"Max, what did i say? Leave her alone. Alex, get in the car." Andy said. I happily obliged and ran over to Andy's car. Max sped away in a huff. As i was about to open the backseat car door, Ashley spoke up.

"There's no room back there so i guess you'll have to sit on my lap." Ashley said with a sarcastic tone, trying to sound disappointed. I couldn't help but blush and giggle before i opened the door, and slowly sat down on Ashley's lap just to have him protectively wrap his arms around my waist. I noticed a scowl take form on Andy's face after he looked at Ashley's arms.

"Andy, don't bother going to Alex's house." Ashley said causing both me and Andy to look at him questioningly.

"Why not?" Andy asked.

"Because, she's gonna hangout with us today." Ashley replied, giving my a light squeeze.

"Whatever, you better pray my parents aren't home. They'll kill all of us if they see us with a human." I tensed up at Andy's unassuring words.

"Lex, don't worry. They won't be home. I know it." Ashley said to calm me down.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Just a little vampires intuition." He replied with a wink causing the everyone to laugh, except Andy.


We pulled up to a mansion at least 6x the size of mine. It was sort of creepy since it was vintage-gothic style, but breathe-taking none the less. I noticed how no other cars were parked in the driveway and thought back to how Ashley said there wouldn't be. We got out of the car and made our way into Andy's house, which was just as beautiful (but gothic) as the outside.

"This is my room, clearly." Andy said once we arrived to this massive room with maroon walls, black carpeting, a king sized bed, and posters covering much of the walls.

"You're room is huge.." I said in awe.

"Everything about Andy is huge, right?" Jake said referring to Andy's manhood, causing me to blush and Andy to throw a fist in the air.

"I wanna play a game!" CC shouted childishly.

"What kind of game, C?" Ashley asked.

"Well since we don't know much about Alex, lets play a game where we ask her questions!" The guys looked at me for approval and i just shrugged in nodded. We all sat in a circle in the middle of Andy's floor.

"Okay we'll each ask one question, then Alex will answer it. I'll go first, then Jinx, Jake, Andy, and Ashley." CC said. I nodded as a signal to start, which CC understood.

"What bands do you listen to?"

"Why haven't we seen you around before, you are in the same grade as us."

"What's your home life like?"

"Uhh....What do you like to do after school?"

"Are you a virgin?" Everyone's head shot to look at Ashley, who looked like what he said wasn't at all personal.

"Ashley, you can't just ask that." Andy said.

"No, no. It's fine." I chimed in. "I listen to a bunch of bands but my favorites are Motionless In White, Asking Alexandria, Bring Me The horizon, excetera excetera. And umm, i don't really talk much. I keep to myself most of the time. It's not very good, my dad doesn't like me Uhh, i mostly listen to music, workout, or pretty much anything to get me out of the house. And, yes. I am a virgin."

"You have amazing taste in music, oh my god." CC exclaimed.

"Thanks CC!" I said.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Andy spoke up.

"Alex, can i talk to you in private?"

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