Just tell him

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Hi I'm Karson Caniff, yes the internet star Taylor Caniff is my older brother. When he started MagCon we made a promise I would not try to date any of his friends. I went along with our promise for a few months until I met Shawn Mendes. He was so sweet and cute I couldn't help myself. He asked me on a date so of course I said yes. I felt guilty but at the end of the night when he kissed me goodnight it didn't feel wrong, it felt right. I started seeing Mr. Mendes more and more hiding it from my brother, which was hard. Me and my brother had a very tight relationship, when I seemed distant it worried him and he started being way more protective. Which meant it was even harder to keep our secret. "Karson we need to tell him we're together." Shawn said. "I know but he'll hate me for lying and breaking a promise." I stated. "You didn't lie... You just didn't tell the whole truth" Shawn added softly. You knew you needed to tell Taylor but you were scared that he would hate you. You decided you would tell him tomorrow.

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