11. Work

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Cale and Choi Jungsoo ended up not sleeping anymore after that floating objects incident.

"So you live with a ghost?"  Jungsoo took the breakfast on the dining table with chopsticks.

As dawn started to rise and people started to move on the street, Cale and Jungsoo went out to get some breakfast and ended up at one of the restaurants closest to the apartment.

Jungsoo was clearly a mess and they only changed into makeshift clothes, fortunately the aunt who sold food was very friendly, she even gave extra cookies and milk.

Cale thought back to Jungsoo's question about living with a ghost.

"You can say that?"  Cale shrugged and shoved food into his mouth with chopsticks.

"You okay?"  Jungsoo frowned with an obvious question mark.

"Hard to explain."

I don't know whether living with a ghost can be considered disturbing or not, of course it's annoying at first, who wants to live with a ghost?  But it wasn't like Cale could move on a whim, he had already spent money.

Now Cale understood why people in horror movies didn't move out of their house even after finding out the house they bought was haunted.

"What if the ghost is dangerous? Come on, just move into my house."

Cale shook his head at Jungsoo's suggestion, ghosts are annoying and annoying sometimes but not like that.

"At first it was annoying but after a while it didn't really matter, maybe because there were new people in the house."  Cale tried to explain his experience with the invisible ghost.

Not actually invisible, Cale had seen his form which was, well, not that bad.  It's not scary or ugly and smells like ghosts in horror movies.

There was no stench when he appeared, no flesh of internal organs or bones could be seen on his body either, his hair wasn't long either and even though he was floating in the air even then it shouldn't be too sinister.

It can also do household chores, seems like the useful type of ghost, and doesn't look like it wants to eat meat and such.

"Shall we call an exorcist?"  Jungsoo pouted while poking chopsticks into his plate.

"Is that really going to work? Most of them are just scammers you know? They'll exorcise one ghost but another, more disturbing ghost will come after, that's how they work."

And Cale did not want to waste money on something unnecessary, rather than that.

"I want to raise money and build my own company."  Cale muttered.

Jungsoo almost dropped his chopsticks, of course he knew that Cale was smart and from a famous businessman family, even if his mother was a bankrupt businessman family the blood still wouldn't just disappear.

Establishing his own company, even if Cale had the urge to just be lazy but he would definitely try to somehow make as much money as he should.

"What kind of company?"  Jungsoo asked.

Cosmetics?  Film?  Fashion?  Food products or drugs?  Maybe even property?  The property business is in demand among young people, and the others are fashion and cosmetics.

Cale shook his head.

"I have artistic talent."  Fashion maybe, she can try her hand at designing clothes and become a designer.

But there are others too.

"I thought a publishing company would be great, not self-publishing like I'm doing now, but bigger, having lots of bookstores all over the country, hosting lots of authors, and of course people who like them for who they are."

There is a Ghost in My House! || English ||Where stories live. Discover now